(until 2007 Max Planck Institute for Limnology)


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Contents of Amazoniana Volumes 1 (1965) - 19(1/2) (2006)

Part A: Chronological order

Volume 1 (1965-1968)
Volume 2 (1969-(1970)
Volume 3 (1971-1972)
Volume 4 (1973)
Volume 5 (1974-1976)
Volume 6 (1976-1979)
Volume 7 (1980-1983)
Volume 8 (1983-1984)
Volume 9 (1984-1986)
Volume 10 (1986-1989)
Volume 11 (1989-1991)
Volume 12 (1992-1993)
Volume 13 (1994-1995)
Volume 14 (1996-1997)
Volume 15 (1998-1999)
Volume 16 (2000-2001)
Volume 17 (2002-2003)
17 (3/4)  online
Volume 18 (2004-2005)    online Volume 19 (2006)

Part B: Alphabetical order (Volume 1 - Volume 15)


Part A: Chronological order
Amazoniana 1(1), 1965
BATISTA, D. DA C. & H. SIOLI: Introduction. [in Portuguese]  5-6
BATISTA, D. DA C. & H. SIOLI: Introduction. [in German]  7-9
SIOLI, H.: The limnology and its importance in Amazonian research. [in Portuguese]  11-35
OCHS, G.: Fourth contribution to the knowledge of the whirligig beetles of the Amazon region (Col., Gyrinidae). [in German]  36-73
SIOLI, H.: Remark on the typology of Amazonian rivers. [in German]  74-83
LINDNER, E.: Stratiomyiids from the Amazon region. [in German]  84-86
Amazoniana 1(2), 1967
MARLIER, G.: Ecological studies on some lakes of the Amazon valley  91-115
GEISLER, R.: On the limnochemistry of the Igarapé Préto. [in German]  117-123
CERQUEIRA, N.L. & J.A. NUNES DE MELLO: Simuliidae of Amazonia II. Description of Simulium goeldii sp.n. (Diptera, Nematocera). [in Portuguese]  125-130
KIEFER, F.: Two new Parastenocaris-species (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Middle Amazon region. [in German]  131-134
OCHS, G.: Fifth contribution to the knowledge of the whirligig beetles of the Amazon region (Col., Gyrinidae). [in German]  135-171
WIEBACH, F.: Amazonian bryozoans (Bryozoa) I. [in German]  173-187
DE CARLO, J.A.: A new species of the genus Ranatra and new species of Naucoridae (Hemiptera). [in Spanish]  189-200
Amazoniana 1(3), 1968
CERQUEIRA, N.L. & J.A. NUNES DE MELLO: Simuliidae of Amazonia IV. Description of  Simulium fulvinotum sp.n. (Diptera, Nematocera). [in Portuguese]  205-210
SATTLER, W.: Further notes on the eco-ethology of a Neotropical Macronema-larva (Hydropsychidae, Trichoptera). [in German]  211-229
KNÖPPEL, H.-A., JUNK, W.J. & J. GÉRY: Bryconops (Creatochanes) inpai, a new characoid fish from the Central Amazon Region, with a review of the genus Bryconops 231-246
BECK, L.: On the biology of some arachnids in the tropical forest of the Reserva Ducke (INPA, Manaus, Brazil). [in Portuguese] 247-250
SCHUBART, H.: New Palaeacaroidea (Oribatei) from Amazonia (Arach., Acari). [in German]  251-256
KIEFER, F.: Two further Parastenocaris-species (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Middle Amazon region. [in German] 257-258
FITTKAU, E.J.: Siolimyia amazonica n.gen. n.spec., a chironomid capable of flight (Diptera) with a hypopygium inversum. [in German]  259-265
SIOLI, H.: Hydrochemistry and geology in the Brazilian Amazon region  267-277
Amazoniana 1(4), 1968
SIOLI, H. (1968): Dr. Werner Sattler in Memoriam  283-286
KLINGE, H. & W.A. RODRIGUES: Litter production in an area of Amazonian terra firme forest. Part I. Litter-fall, organic carbon and total nitrogen contents of litter.  287-301
KLINGE, H. & W.A. RODRIGUES: Litter production in an area of Amazonian terra firme forest. Part II. Mineral nutrient content of the litter.  303-310
SCHUBART, H. & L. BECK: On the fauna of coleopterans from Amazonian soils. [in German]  311-321
SCHMIDT, G.W.: On the problem of determination of the carbon dioxide in tropical waters poor in calcium. [in German]  323-326
FITTKAU, E.J.: A new Tanypodinae-genus, Djalmabatista (Chironomidae, Dipt.), from the Brazilian Amazon region. [in German]  327-349
SCHWABE, G.H.: Two remarkable nostocaceans from South America. [in German]  351-368
Amazoniana 2(1/2), 1969
FÖRSTER, K.: Amazonian desmids. 1st part: Area Santarém. [in German] 5-232
 Amazoniana 2(3), 1970
BRINKMANN, W.L.F. & A.N. VIEIRA: Some remarks on UV-radiation at "Reserva Florestal Ducke" forest pilot scheme near Manaus, Amazon 235-243
EDWARDS, A.M.C. & J.B. THORNES: Observations on the dissolved solids of the Casiquiare and Upper Orinoco, April - June, 1968  245-256
KNÖPPEL, H.-A.: Food of Central Amazonian fishes. Contribution to the nutrient-ecology of Amazonian rain-forest-streams  257-351
WIEBACH, F.: Amazonian bryozoans (Bryozoa) II. [in German]  353-362
SCHWABE, G.H.: Two remarkable nostocaceans from South America II. [in German]  363-390
Amazoniana 2(4), 1970
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Numbers of bacteria and algae and their interrelations in some Amazonian waters  393-400
STERN, K.M.: The Casiquiare-channel, now and once. [in German]  401-416
GÉRY, J.: The genus Iguanodectes COPE (Pisces, Characoidei). [in French]  417-433
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C.: Oncosclera - a new genus of freshwater sponges (Porifera - Spongillidae) with redescription of two species  435-442
BRINKMANN, W.L.F. & A. DOS SANTOS: Natural waters in Amazonia. III. Ammonium molybdate-reactive silica.  443-448
JUNK, W.J.: Investigations on the ecology and production-biology of the "floating meadows" (Paspalo-Echinochloetum) on the Middle Amazon. Part 1: The floating vegetation and its ecology.  449-495
ANONYMOUS: Symposium proceedings on environment in Amazonia. Part I  497-501
Amazoniana 3(1), 1971
FLINT, O.S. Jr.: Studies of Neotropical caddisflies, XII: Rhyacophilidae, Glossosomatidae, Philopotamidae, and Psychomyiidae from the Amazon Basin (Trichoptera)  7-67
BECK, L.: Zoological soil classification and characterization of the Amazonian rain forest.  [in German]  69-132
Amazoniana 3(2), 1972
SIOLI, H.: Dr. José Cândido de Melo Carvalho, new co-editor of AMAZONIANA. [in Portuguese]  133-134
SIOLI, H.: Dr. José Cândido de Melo Carvalho, new co-editor of AMAZONIANA. [in German]  135-136
SCHADEN, R. & H. SIOLI: Professor Dr. Heitor Grillo in memoriam. [in Portuguese]  137-138
SCHADEN, R. & H. SIOLI: Professor Dr. Heitor Grillo in memoriam. [in German]  139-140
ALTHERR, E.: Contribution to the knowledge of nematodes of the Amazon estuary. [in French]  141-174
ANONYMOUS: The ion load of the Rio Negro, Amazon state, Brazil, according to investigations of Dr. Harald Ungemach. [in German]  175-185
ANONYMOUS: Rainwater analyses from Central Amazonia, carried out in Manaus, Amazon, Brazil, by Dr. Harald Ungemach. [in German]  186-198
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Chemical properties of some waters in the tropical rain-forest region of Central-Amazonia along the new road Manaus - Caracarai  199-207
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Amounts of suspended solids and dissolved substances in the middle reaches of the Amazon over the course of one year (August, 1969 - July, 1970)  208-223
BONETTO, A.: A new species of Monocondylaeinae from the Amazon basin, and some considerations on this subfamily in the hydrographic systems of South America  224-230
KNÖPPEL, H.-A.: On nutrition of tropical fresh-water fishes from South America. - Some selected species of the Anostomidae, Curimatidae, Hemiodidae and Characidae (Pisces, Characoidei). [in German]  231-257
Amazoniana 3(3/4), 1972
KOSTE, W.: Rotatorians from Amazonian waters. [in German]  258-505
Amazoniana 4(1), 1973
LEENTVAAR, P.: Further developments in Lake Brokopondo, Surinam  1-8
JUNK, W.J.: Investigations on the ecology and production-biology of the "floating meadows" (Paspalo-Echinochloetum) on the Middle Amazon. Part II. The aquatic fauna in the root zone of floating vegetation  9-102
FITTKAU, E.J.: Crocodiles and the nutrient metabolism of Amazonian waters  103-133
Amazoniana 4(2), 1973
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Primary production of phytoplankton in the three types of Amazonian waters. I. Introduction  135-138
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Primary production of phytoplankton in the three types of Amazonian waters. II. The limnology of a tropical flood-plain lake in Central Amazonia (Lago do Castanho)  139-203
BRANDORFF, G.-O.: New free living calanoid copepods (Crustacea) from the Amazon  region. [in German]  205-218
IRMLER, U.: Population-dynamic and physiological adaptation of Pentacomia egregia CHAUD. (Col., Cicindelidae) to the Amazonian inundation forest  219-227
Amazoniana 4(3), 1973
MÜLLER, P.: Historic-biogeographical problems of the species richness of South American rain forests. [in German]  229-242
SCHMIDT, G.W. & G. UHERKOVICH: On the species richness of the phytoplankton in Amazonia. [in German]  243-252
SCHADEN, R.: Short note on the species number of Rotatoria in the Amazon region. [in German]  253-254
NOODT, W.: Species richness and MONARD's principle in Crustacea of the limnopsammon in the Neotropics. [in German]  255-261
JUNK, W.J.: Faunistic-ecological studies as possibility for the definition of biotopes, exemplifed for floodplains. [in German]  263-271
SCHREIBER, H.: Radiation centers of sphingids (Lepidoptera) in the Neotropics. [in German]  273-281
KLINGE, H.: Structure and species richness of the Central Amazonian rain forest. [in German]  283-292
BRÜNIG, E.F.: Species richness and stand diversity in relation to site and succession of forests in Sarawak and Brunei (Borneo)  293-320
FITTKAU, E.J.: Species richness of Amazonian biotopes from the ecological point of view. [in German]  321-340
Amazoniana 4(4), 1973
BRANDORFF, G.-O.: The Neotropical genus Rhacodiaptomus KIEFER (Crustacea, Copepoda), with description of two new species. [in German]  341-365
REISS, F.: On hydrography and macrobenthos fauna of tropical lagoons in the savanna of the Território de Roraima, Northern Brazil. [in German]  367-378
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Primary production of phytoplankton in the three types of Amazonian waters. III. Primary productivity of phytoplankton in a tropical flood-plain lake of Central Amazonia, Lago do Castanho, Amazonas, Brasil  379-404
WIRTH, W.W. & F.S. BLANTON: A review of the maruins or biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Amazon Basin  405-470
Amazoniana 5(1), 1974
MÜLLER, P.: Josef Schmidthüsen to his 65th birthday. [in German]  1-2
REISS, F.: Four new Chironomus-species (Chironomidae, Diptera) and their ecological importance for the benthos fauna of Central Amazonian lakes and inundation forests. [in German]  3-23
KOSTE, W.: To the knowledge of the rotatorian fauna of the "floating meadows" of a shore lagoon in the várzea of Amazonia, Brazil. [in German]  25-59
VIETS, K.O.: On some water mites (Hydrachnellae, Acari) from Brazil. [in German]  61-65
HOWARD-WILLIAMS, C.: Nutritional quality and calorific value of Amazonian forest litter  67-75
FITTKAU, E.J.: On the ecological classification of Amazonia. 1. The geological development of Amazonia. [in German]  77-134
Amazoniana 5(2), 1974
FÖRSTER, K.: Amazonian desmids. 2nd part: Area Maués - Abacaxis. [in German]  135-242
UHERKOVICH, G. & G.W. SCHMIDT: Phytoplankton taxa in the Central Amazonian alluvial lake Lago do Castanho. [in German]  243-283
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C. & R. DE ROSA-BARBOSA: A freshwater sponge-mollusk association in Amazonian waters  285-291
WIEBACH, F.: Amazonian bryozoans (Bryozoa) III. [in German]  293-303
 Amazoniana 5(3), 1975
VIETS, K.O.: Koenikea-species (Acari, Hydrachnellae) from the Amazon region. [in German] 305-336
IRMLER, U.: Ecological studies of the aquatic soil invertebrates in three inundation forests of Central Amazonia  337-409
PUTHZ, V.: A new caenid genus from the Amazon region (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) [in German]  411-415
Amazoniana 5(4), 1976
TUXEN, S.L.: The Protura (Insecta) of Brazil, especially Amazonas 417-463
UHERKOVICH, G.: Algae from the rivers Rio Negro and Rio Tapajós. [in German]  465-515
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Primary production of phytoplankton in the three types of Amazonian waters. IV. On the primary productivity of phytoplankton in a bay of the lower Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brazil) 517-528
BUDOWSKI, G.: Why save tropical rain forests? Some arguments for campaigning conservationists  529-538
MÜLLER, P.: On the diversity and biomass of the reptile fauna in the Central Amazonian rain forest near Manaus. [in German]  539-543
Amazoniana 6(1), 1976
BECK, L.: On the mass migration of the macro-arthropod fauna of the soil in inundation forests of the Central Amazon region. [in German]  1-20
FRÄNZLE, O.: The water conservation of the Amazonian rain forest and its influence by man. [in German]  21-46
GEISLER, R. & J. SCHNEIDER: The element matrix of Amazon waters and its relationship with the mineral content of fishes. (Determinations using Neutron Activation Analysis)  47-65
IRION, G.: The development of the Central and Upper Amazonian lowland during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene. [in German] 
KOEPCKE, H.-W.: Peruvian natural landscapes as centers of evolution. [in German]  81-85
KOHLHEPP, G.: State and problems of the Brazilian development planing in Amazonia. [in German]  89-104
MÜLLER, P. & G. WEIMER: Notes on the distribution centers of South American callichthyids and cichlids. [in German]  105-121
REISS, F.: Characterization of Central Amazonian lakes on account of their macrobenthos fauna. [in German]  123-134
ZIECHMANN, W.: Humic substances in South American river systems. [in German]  135-144
Amazoniana 6(2), 1977
ALTHERR, E.: Contribution to the knowledge of nematodes of the Amazon estuary (2nd part). [in French]  145-159
HAFFER, J.: Pleistocene speciation in Amazonian birds  161-191
KLINGE, H.: Preliminary data on nutrient release from decomposing leaf litter in a Neotropical rain forest  193-202
REISS, F.: Qualitative and quantitative investigations on the macro-benthic fauna of Central Amazon lakes. 1. Lago Tupé, a black water lake on the lower Rio Negro  203-235
SATTLER, W. & J. SYKORA: On a strange Neotropical caddisfly, particularly due to its contruction instinct - Leucotrichia brasiliana n.sp. (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae). [in German]  237-255
SCHADEN, R.: On the cyclomorphosis of some brachionids (Rotatoria) of Central Amazonia. [in German]  257-266
SCHADEN, R.: Seasonal changes in the composition of the rotatorian stock of Lago de Castanho, Central Amazonia. [in German]  267-273
Amazoniana 6(3), 1978
BRÜNIG, E.F.: Variation of the structure in the rain forest of San Carlos de Rio Negro. [in German]  275-277
FRÄNZLE, O.: The structure and carrying capacity of ecosystems. [in German]  279-297
HEUVELDOP, J.: First results of meteorological investigations in the rain forest stands of San Carlos de Rio Negro. [in German]  299-300
IRMLER, U.: The structure of the carabid- and staphylinid-community in Central Amazonian inundation forests. [in German]  301-326
KLINGE, H.: The phytomass of dominant tree species in an Amazonian caatinga. [in German]  327-328
NAGEL, P. & A. SCHÄFER: The biotic diversity as factor for the system analysis. [in German]  329-345
SCHADEN, R.: On the diversity and identity of Amazonian Rotatoria zooms. [in German]  347-371
FLINT, O.S. Jr.: Studies of Neotropical caddisflies. XXII: Hydropsychidae of the Amazon Basin (Trichoptera)  373-421
Amazoniana 6(4), 1979
ALDER, D., BRÜNIG, E.F., HEUVELDOP, J. & J. SMITH: Structure and functions in the rain forest of the international Amazon-ecosystem-project: Preliminary communication about the classification of stands, variation of stand structure and precipitation characteristics. [in German]  423-444
BITTNER, A.: Serumosmolality and hematocryal value of Amazonian fresh-water rays (Potamotrygonidae) during adaptation to salt-water. [in German]  445-449
FASSBENDER, H.W.: On the question of the water supply of Pinus caribaea-plantations in eastern Venezuela. [in German]  451-457
FRANKEN, W.: Studies in the catchment area of the Central Amazonian rain forest stream "Barro Branco" on the "terra firme". I. Discharge behavior of the stream. [in German]  459-466
GÉRY, J.: The Serrasalmidae (Pisces, Characoidei) from the Serra do Roncador, Mato Grosso, Brasil  467-495
IRMLER, U. & K. FURCH: Production, energy, and nutrient turnover of the cockroach Epilampra irmleri ROCHA e SILVA & AGUIAR in a Central-Amazonian inundation forest.  497-520
LEENTVAAR, P.: Additions and corrections to the Brokopondo study (Surinam).  521-528
MÜLLER, P.: Space linkage and genesis of Southern Brazilian area systems. [in German]  529-535
MÜLLER, P.: The evolution of the Liolaemus wiegmannii-complex and the dispersal centres in Brazil  537-555
NORTCLIFF, S., THORNES, J.B. & M.J. WAYLEN: Tropical forest systems: A hydrological approach  557-568
PAOLINI, J.: Humic substances-system in the caatinga amazonica near San Carlos de Rio Negro, Venezuela. [in German]  569-582
RAI, H.: Microbiology of Central Amazon lakes.  583-599
SCHWAAR, J.: The vegetation of the high peat bogs of Terra del Fuego. [in German]  601-609
UHERKOVITCH, G. & H. RAI: Algae from the Rio Negro and its affluents. [in German]  611-638
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C.: Evolutionary study of genus Metania GRAY, 1867 (Porifera -  Spongillidae) 1. The new species  639-649
Amazoniana 7(1), 1980
FRANKEN, W.: Studies in the catchment area of the Central Amazonian rain forest stream "Barro Branco" on the "terra firme". II. Discharge of the stream. [in German]  1-5
HEUVELDOP, J.: Bioclimate of San Carlos de Rio Negro, Venezuela. [in German]  7-17
JUNK, W.J.: The importance of water-level fluctuations for the ecology of floodplain regions, exemplified for the várzea of the Middle Amazon. [in German]  19-29
MÜLLER, P., NAGEL, P. & W. FLACKE: Ecological influence of tsetse fly control with dieldrin in the upland of Adamaoua (Cameroun). [in German]  31-48
UHERKOVICH, G. & M. FRANKEN: Periphytic algae from Central Amazonian rain forest streams. [in German]  49-79
BUCK, W.R. & R.A. PURSELL: Fissidens brachypus: A moss restricted to a freshwater Amazonian sponge  81-85
Amazoniana 7(2), 1981
ADIS, J.: Comparative ecological studies of the terrestrial arthropod fauna in Central Amazonian inundation-forests  87-173
PUTHZ, V.: On new and known Stenus-species from Brazil (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 185. Contribution to the knowledge of Steninae. [in German]  175-189
UHERKOVICH, G.: Algae from some Amazonian waters. [in German]  191-219
 Amazoniana 7(3), 1982
BOURRELLY, P. & A. COUTÉ: Some fresh-water algae of French Guiana. [in French] 221-292
PY-DANIEL, V.: Neotropical Prosimuliini (Diptera: Simuliidae). [in Portuguese]  293-333
SCHMIDT, G.W.: Primary production of phytoplankton in the three types of Amazonian waters. V. Some investigations on the phytoplankton and its primary productivity in the clear water of the lower Rio Tapajós (Pará, Brazil)  335-348
YANO, O.: Occurrence of Leucophanes(Leucobryaceae, Bryopsida) in Brazilian Amazonia. [in Portuguese]  349-354
Amazoniana 7(4), 1983
BRAUM, E.: Observations on a reversible lip extension and its role during emergency respiration of Brycon spec. (Pisces, Characidae) and Colossoma macropomum (Pisces, Serrasalmidae). [in German]  355-374
DORN, E.: On the respiration organs of some air breathing Amazonian fishes. [in German]  375-395
JUNK, W.J., SOARES, G.M. & F.M. CARVALHO: Distribution of fish species in a lake of the Amazon river floodplain near Manaus (Lago Camaleão), with special reference to extreme oxygen conditions  397-431
SAINT-PAUL, U.: Investigations on the respiration of the Neotropical fish, Colossoma macropomum (Serrasalmidae). The influence of weight and temperature on the routine oxygen consump-tion  433-443
WERDER, U.: Age determination by scale analysis in juvenile matrinchã (Brycon cf. melanopterus MÜLLER & TROSCHEL, Teleostei: Characoidei) a tropical characin from the Central Amazon  445-464
WORTHMANN, H.O.: A comparative study of the growth of the postlarval and juvenile pescadas Plagioscionsquamosissimus (HECKEL) and Plagioscion monti (SOARES) in a white water lake of the Central Amazon  465-477
Amazoniana 8(1), 1983
RION, G., ADIS, J., JUNK, W.J. & F. WUNDERLICH: Sedimentological studies of the "Ilha de Marchantaria" in the Solimões/Amazon River near Manaus  1-18
KLINGE, H., FURCH, K., HARMS, E. & J. REVILLA: Foliar nutrient levels of native tree species from Central Amazonia. I. Inundation forests  19-45
WORBES, M.: Studies on the vegetation of two inundation forests in Central Amazonia -  preliminary results. [in German]  47-65
FURCH, B. & P. ZIMMERMANN: Soluble pigments from the roots of the Amazonian water-hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes SOLMS. [in German]  67-73
FURCH, K., JUNK, W.J., DIETERICH, J. & N. KOCHERT: Seasonal variation in the major cation (Na, K, Mg, and Ca) content of the water of Lago Camaleão, an Amazonian floodplain- lake near Manaus, Brazil  75-89
BECK, L.: Soil zoology of the Amazonian inundation forests. [in German]  91-99
FRIEBE, B. & J. ADIS: Developmental cycles of Opiliones (Arachnida) in the blackwater inundation forest (igapó) of the Rio Tarumã Mirím (Central Amazonia, Brazil). [in German]  101-110
HANAGARTH, W.: Floodplains in the Peruvian Amazon region as faunal sources for agrarian areas. [in German]  111-128
STURM, H.: The soil fauna of the Andean Páramo region. [in German]  129-147
DEIMEL, C.: Plant use and diet of the Tarahumaras in the Northwest Mexican upland. [in German]  149-158
Amazoniana 8(2), 1983
PY-DANIEL, V.: Description of two new Neotropical subgenera of Simulliidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha). [in Portuguese]  159-223
KOSTE, W. & B. ROBERTSON: Taxonomic studies of the Rotifera (Phylum Aschelminthes) from a Central Amazonian várzea lake, Lago Camaleão (Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimões, Amazonas, Brazil)  225-254
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C. & S. BECKER MACIEL: New freshwater sponges from Amazonian waters  255-264
BRAUM, E.: The status of Brycon labiatus STEINDACHNER 1880 (Pisces, Characoidei) and its synonym, Othonophanes labiatus (STEINDACHNER 1880)  265-271
THATCHER, V.E. & W.A. BOEGER: The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon. 10 - Acusicola pellonidis n.sp. (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) from Pellona castelnaeana (VALEN-CIENNES)  273-279
PETRERE, M. Jr.: Relationships among catches, fishing effort and river morphology for eight rivers in Amazonas State (Brazil), during 1976-1978  281-296
 Amazoniana 8(3), 1984
SCHELLER, U. & J. ADIS: A new species of Ribautiella (Myriapoda, Symphyla, Scolopendrellidae) from an Amazonian black-water inundation forest and notes on its natural history and ecology 299-310
SINGER, R.: Adaptation of higher fungi to várzea conditions  311-319
THATCHER, V.E., BOEGER, W.A. & B.A. ROBERTSON: The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon. 12. Ergasilus hydrolicus n.sp. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) from Hydrolycus scomberoides (CUVIER)  321-326
CARVALHO, F.M. & E.K. DE RESENDE: Aspects of the biology of Tocantinsia depressa (Siluriformes, Auchenipteridae). [in Portuguese]  327-337
POLHEMUS, J.T. & D.A. POLHEMUS: Studies on Neotropical Veliidae (Hemiptera). VII. Descriptions of four new species of Paravelia BREDDIN  339-349
FERREIRA, E.J.G.: The fish fauna of Curuá-Una reservoir, Santarém, Pará. I - List and distribution of species. [in Portuguese]  351-363
GRABERT, H.: Possible migration and phylogeny of the South-American Iniidae (Cetacea, Mammalia). [in German]  365-374
MAURIÈS, J.-P.: First records of stemmiulides from Brazil: Three new species from the Manaus region, including one from the inundation forest (Prostemmiulus adisi n.sp.) (Myriapoda: Diplopoda: Stemmiulida). [in French]  375-387
DUSSART, B. & B. ROBERTSON: Notodiaptomus paraensis n.sp., a new diaptomid (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Brazilian Amazon  389-394
WERDER, U. & G.M. SOARES: Age determination by sclerite numbers, and scale variations in six fish species from the Central Amazon (Osteichthyes, Characoidei)  395-420
THATCHER, V.E. & W.A. BOEGER: The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon. 13. Gamidactylus jaraquensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Semaprochilodus insignis (SCHOMBURGK)  421-426
PETRERE, M. Jr.: Erratum AMAZONIANA 8(2), 281-296, 1983; Relationships among catches, fishing effort and river morphology for eight rivers in Amazonas State (Brazil), during 1976-1978  427
WERDER, U.: Erratum AMAZONIANA 7(4), 445-464, 1983; Age determination by scale analysis in juvenile Matrinchã (Brycon cf.melanopterus MÜLLER & TROSCHEL, Teleostei: Characoidei) a tropical characin from the Central Amazon  427
Amazoniana 8(4), 1984
BERKENKAMP, H.O.: A new species of Rivulus from the state Sta. Catarina/Brazil, Rivulus haraldsiolii spec. nov. (Pisces - Rivulidae). [in German]  429-439
DE CASTRO, A.L.: A new species of Prosekia (Philosciidae, Isopoda) from an  inundation forest (igapó) in the Central Amazon. [in Portuguese]  441-445
STURM, H. & J. ADIS: Development and mating behaviour of Meinertellidae (Machiloidea, Archaeognatha, Insecta) from the Central Amazon. [in German]  447-473
BÖTTGER, K.: Some ecological observations on necton and benthon of Guatemalan mountain streams (Central America), with special reference to the temporary Río Cuxjá. [in German]  475-496
POLHEMUS, J.T. & D.A. POLHEMUS: Notes on Neotropical Veliidae (Hemiptera). IX: additional new species of Paravelia from South America  497-504
THATCHER, V.E. & W.A. BOEGER: The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon. 14. Gamispinus diabolicus gen. et spec. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Ageneiosus brevifilis VALENCIENNES  505-510
ERWIN, T.L.: Small terrestrial ground-beetles of the Amazon Basin (Coleoptera: Bembidiini: Tachyina and Anillina)  511-518
CARVALHO, J.C.M.: On a new species of intertidal water strider from Brazil (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha, Mesoveliidae)  519-523
CARVALHO, F.M.: Biological and ecophysiological aspects of Curimata (Potamorhina) pristigaster, a Neotropical characine. [in Portuguese]  525-539
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C.: Evolutionary study of the genus Metania GRAY, 1867 (Porifera: Spongillidae): II. Redescription of two Neotropical species  541-553
KOSTE, W., ROBERTSON, B. & E. HARDY: Further taxonomical studies of the Rotifera from Lago Camaleão, a Central Amazonian várzea lake (Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimões, Amazonas, Brazil)  555-576
Amazoniana 9(1), 1984
FERREIRA, E.J.G.: The fish fauna of Curuá-Una reservoir, Santarém, Pará. II - Food and feeding habits of the main species. [in Portuguese] 1-16
KOSTE, W. & E.R. HARDY: Taxonomic studies and new distribution records of Rotifera (Phylum Aschelminthes) from Rio Jatapú and Uatumã, Amazonas, Brazil  17-29
MEES, G.F.: A note on the genus Tocantinsia (Pisces, Nematognathi, Auchenipteridae)  31-34
SCHMIDT, J.: Heavy metal analysis in Hemidactylus mabouia (Geckonidae) as a method to classify urban environmental quality. [in German]  35-42
HARDY, E.R., ROBERTSON, B. & W. KOSTE: About the relationship between the zooplankton and fluctuating water levels of Lago Camaleão, a Central Amazonian várzea lake  43-52
GEISLER, R. & S.R. ANNIBAL: Ecology and conditions of breeding of the cardinal-tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi (Pisces, Characoidea) in the area of the Rio Negro/Brazil. [in German]  53-86
SCHWARZBOLD, A. & A. SCHÄFER: Origin and morphology of the coastal lagoons of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. [in Portuguese] 87-104
KLINGE, H., FURCH, K. & E. HARMS: Selected bioelements in bark and wood of native tree species from Central-Amazonian inundation forests 105-117
THATCHER, V.E. & W.A. BOEGER: The parasitic crustaceans from the Brazilian Amazon. 15. Gamispatulus schizodontis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Schizodon fasciatus AGASSIZ 119-126
CHOMENKO, L. & A. SCHÄFER: Biogeographical interpretation of the distribution of Littoridina (Hydrobiidae), in coastal lakes of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 127-146
SAINT-PAUL, U.: Investigations on the seasonal changes in the chemical composition of liver and condition from a Neotropical characoid fish Colossoma macropomum (Serrasalmidae) 147-158
Amazoniana 9(2), 1985
TEIXEIRA, A.S. & A. JAMIESON: Genetic variation in plasma transferrins of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (CUVIER 1818) 159-168
THATCHER, V.E. & V. PAREDES: A parasitic copepod, Perulernaea gamitanae gen. et sp. nov. (Cyclopoida: Lernaeidae), from the nasal fossae of a Peruvian Amazon food fish 169-175
RAPP PY-DANIEL, L.H.: Dekeyseria amazonica, new genus and new species from the Amazonian region, Brazil, and D. scaphirhyncha (KNER, 1854) new combination (Loricariidae: Siluriformes). [in Portuguese] 177-191
MAGNUSSON, W.E.: Habitat selection, parasites and injuries in Amazonian crocodilians 193-204
THATCHER, V.E. & V. PAREDES: A parasitic copepod, Amplexibranchius bryconis gen. et sp. nov. (Ergasilidae: Acusicolinae), from an Amazonian fish and remarks on the importance of leg morphology in this subfamily 205-214
MAHNERT, V.: Further records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from the Central Amazon region (Brazil). [in German] 215-241
HOFFMAN, R.L.: A new millipede of the genus Gonographis from an inundation forest near Manaus, Brazil (Pyrgodesmidae) 243-246
MAGALHÃES, C.: The larval development of palaemonids from the Amazon Region reared in the laboratory. I. Macrobrachium amazonicum (HELLER, 1862) (Crustacea, Decapoda). [in Portuguese] 247-274
DUSSART, B.H.: Another new diaptomid (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Brazilian Amazon 275-280
Amazoniana 9(3), 1985
ANONYMOUS: Prof. Dr. Harald Sioli to his 75th birthday. [in German, Portuguese, English] i-iii
KLINGE, H.: Foliar nutrient levels of native tree species from Central Amazonia. 2. Campina 281-295
ADIS, J. & V. MAHNERT: On the natural history and ecology of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from an Amazonian blackwater inundation forest 297-314
JUNK, W.J.: Temporary fat storage, an adaptation of some fish species to the waterlevel fluctuations and related environmental changes of the Amazon river 315-351
BRAUM, E. & R. BOCK: Form and function of barbels in Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Pisces Osteoglossidae) during aquatic surface respiration. [in German] 353-370
FURCH, K.: Hydrogeochemistry of freshwaters crossed by the Transamazon highway, Northern Brazil. [in German] 371-409
FURCH, B., CORRÊA, A.F.F., NUNES DE MELLO, J.A.S. & K.-R. OTTO: Light regimes in three aquatic ecosystems of different physico-chemical properties. 1. Attenuation, irradiance reflectance and comparison between downwelling, upwelling and scalar irradiances (PAR). [in German] 411-430
IRMLER, U.: Temperature dependant generationcycle for the cicindelid beetle Pentacomia egregia CHAUD. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cicindelinae) of the Amazon valley 431-439
OHLY, J.J.: Aspects of the recent development of the water buffalo husbandry in the Central Amazon region. [in German] 441-457
WORBES, M.: Structural and other adaptation to long-term flooding by trees in Central Amazonia 459-484
Amazoniana 9(4), 1986
MALTA, J.C.O. & E.N.S. SILVA: Argulus amazonicus n.sp., a crustacean parasite of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon (Branchiura: Argulidae). [in Portuguese] 485-492
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C.: Evolutionary study of the freshwater sponge genus Metania GRAY, 1867: III. Metaniidae, new family 493-509
SOARES, M.G.M., ALMEIDA, R.G. & W.J. JUNK: The trophic status of the fish fauna in Lago Camaleão, a macrophyte dominated  floodplain lake in the middle Amazon 511-526
PETRERE, M. Jr.: Amazon fisheries I - Variations in the relative abundance of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum CUVIER, 1818) based on catch and effort data of the gill-net fisheries 527-547
LOURENÇO, W.R. & O.F. FRANCKE: A new species of Chactopsis from Brazil (Scorpiones, Chactidae) 549-558
LOURENÇO, W.R.: Diversity of the scorpion fauna from Amazonia; centres of endemism; new support for the theory of Pleistocene forest refuges. [in French] 559-580
MOUND, L.A. & J.M. PALMER: Patterns of speciation in Neotropical spore-feeding thrips of the genus Zeugmatothrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) 581-594
CARVALHO, J.L. DE & B. DE MERONA: Studies on two migratory fish from lower Tocantins River before closure of Tucurui dam. [in Portuguese] 595-607
MAGALHÃES, C.: A taxonomic revision of the Brazilian freshwater crabs of the family Pseudothelphusidae (Crustacea, Decapoda. [in Portuguese] 609-636
BICUDO, C.E. DE M.: Ichthyocercus manauensis, a new desmid (Zygnemaphyceae) from Northern Brazil 637-640
Amazoniana 10(1), 1986
PETRERE, M. Jr.: Amazon fisheries II - Variations in the relative abundance of tucunaré (Cichla ocellaris, C. temensis) based on catch and effort data of the trident fisheries 1-13
RAFAEL, J.A.: Amazunculus, a new genus of pipunculid from the Amazon basin (Diptera, Pipunculidae) 15-19
MAHNERT, V., ADIS, J. & P.F. BÜHRNHEIM: Key to the families of Amazonian Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). [in English, German and Portuguese] 21-40
MALTA, J.C. DE O. & A. VARELLA: Ergasilus holobryconis sp.n., a crustacean parasite of Holobrycon pesu (MÜLLER & TROSCHELL), a fish from the Brazilian Amazon (Copepoda: Poecilostom-atoida: Ergasilidae). [in Portuguese 41-48
THATCHER, V.E.: The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 16. Amazonicopeus elongatus gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) with the proposal of Amazonicopeidae fam. nov. and remarks on its pathogenicity 49-56
REHFELDT, G.: Distribution and behaviour of libellulid dragonflies (Odonata: Libellulidae) during the dry season in Panamanian tropical forests. [in German] 57-62
MAGALHÃES, C.: The larval development of palaemonid shrimps from the Amazon Region reared in the laboratory. IV. Abbreviated development of Palaemonetes ivonicus HOLTHUIS, 1950 (Crusta-cea: Decapoda) 63-78
SEIDENSCHWARZ, F.: Comparison of riverside herb communities with weed vegetation in the tropical lowlands of Peru. [in German] 79-111
WALKER, I.: Experiments on colonization of small water bodies by Culicidae and Chironomidae as a function of decomposing plant substrates and their implications for natural Amazonian ecosystems 113-125
Amazoniana 10(2), 1987
ARAUJO-LIMA, C.A.R.M. & E. HARDY: Biological aspects of Amazonian fishes. VIII. The food of the jaraqui, Semaprochilodus insignis, alevins. [in Portuguese] 127-136
VALDIVIA VILLAR, R.S.: Studies of the Neotropical cladoceran fauna (Cladocera, Chydoridae): I. Redescription of Dunhevedia odontoplax SARS, 1901, from Peru. [in Spanish]. 137-147
DUSSART, B.H.: On some Mesocyclops (Crustacea, Copepoda) of South America. [in French] 149-161
SCHLÜTER, U.-B. & B. FURCH: Ecological and physiological investigations on Eichhornia  crassipes (MART.) SOLMS. 1. The effect of different environmental conditions on the development of root colour 163-171
MATTERN, T. & B. FURCH: Ecological and physiological investigations on Eichhornia  crassipes (MART.) SOLMS. II. Studies of root structure and the dependance of pigment deposition on the age and physiological state of the roots 173-180
SANTOS, G.M. DOS & M. JÉGU: New occurences for Gnathodolus bidens and Synaptolaemus  cingulatus and descriptions of two new species of Sartor (Characiformes, Anostomidae). [in Portuguese] 181-196
ADIS, J. & H. STURM: On the natural history and ecology of Meinertillidae (Archaeognatha, Insecta) from dryland and inundation forests of Central Amazonia 197-218
NOLTE, U.: Campsurus notatus (Polymitarcidae, Ephemeroptera) a bioturbator in várzea lakes 219-222
TURNER, P.N.: Keratella rotifers found in Brazil, and a survey of Keratella rotifers from the Neotropics 223-236
JUNK, W.J.: LOWE-McCONNELL, R.H.: Ecological studies in tropical fish communities. - Book review. [in German] 237
Amazoniana 10(3), 1988
THATCHER, V.E.: Asotana magnifica n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) an unusual parasite (commensal?) of the buccal cavities of piranhas (Serrasalmus sp.) from Roraima, Brazil 239-248
FERRAZ, E. & V.E. THATCHER: Bacudacnitis grandistomis gen. et sp. nov. (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) an intestinal parasite of the catfish, Pseudodoras niger (VALENCIENNES) of the Brazilian Amazon. [in Portuguese] 249-253
THATCHER, V.E. & M.L. CARVALHO: Artystone minima n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a body cavity parasite of the pencil fish (Nannostomus beckfordi GUENTHER) from the Brazilian Amazon 255-265
MAGALHÃES, C., MALTA, J.C. DE O., ROBERTSON, B. & A. VARELLA: A catalogue of type specimens of Crustacea in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil, up to January, 1988 267-282
VALDIVIA VILLAR, R.S.: Checklist of freshwater Cladocera from Perú. [in Spanish] 283-297
OLIVEIRA, E.P. DE & J.-M. THIBAUD: A new genus of Hypogastruridae (Insecta: Collembola) in Amazonia. [in French] 299-302
KOSTE, W.: On the rotifers of some standing waters near the Biological Station Panguana in the tropical rain forest of Peru. [in German] 303-325
LOURENÇO, W.R.: Synopsis of the scorpion fauna of the Manaus region, Amazonas State, Brazil, with description of two new species. [in French] 327-337
FERREIRA, E., SANTOS, G.M. DOS & M. JÉGU: Ecological aspects of the fish fauna of the Mucajaí River, in the Paredão Island region, Roraima, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 339-352
Amazoniana 10(4), 1989
ADIS, J.: Illustrated key for Neotropical Myriapoda (Arthropoda). [in German and Portuguese] 353-360
PAIVA, M.P. & F.H. NEPOMUCENO: On the reproduction in captivity of the oscar, Astronotus  ocellatus (CUVIER), according to the mating methods (Pisces - Cichlidae) 361-377
MAGALHÃES, C.: The larval development of palaemonid shrimps from the Amazon region reared in the laboratory. VI. Abbreviated development of Macrobrachium nattereri (HELLER, 1862) (Crustacea: Decapoda) 379-392
RIGHI, G.: Three Oligochaeta, Glossoscolecidae from Amazonia. [in Portuguese] 393-399
RAFAEL, J.A.: Description of two new species of Eudorylas ACZÉL (Diptera: Pipunculidae) of inundation forest and terra firme near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 401-405
KOSTE, W. & K. BÖTTGER: Rotifers from Ecuadorian waters. [in German] 407-438
VALDIVIA VILLAR, R.S. & L. BURGER: Description of Daphniopsis marcahuasensis sp. nov. (Cladocera: Daphniidae) from Perú, with the inclusion of a key of the species of the genus. [in Spanish] 439-452
FRIEBE, B.: AMAZONIANA - Contents of volumes I-X 453-485
JUNK, W.J.: ENGELS, W. (ed.) 1987: The tropics as biotope - Book review. [in German] 487
Amazoniana 11(1), 1989
SIOLI, H.: Dr. Hans KLINGE on his 60th birthday. [in German, Portuguese, English] i-vi
KUBITZKI, K.: Amazon lowland and Guayana highland - Historical and ecological aspects of the development of their floras. [in German] 1-12
MEDINA, E., DELGADO, M. & V. GARCIA: Cation accumulation and leaf succulence in Cadonanthe macradenia J.D. SMITH (Gesneriaceae) under field conditions 13-22
ADIS, J. & G. RIGHI: Mass migration and life cycle adaptation - a survival strategy of terrestrial earth-worms in Central Amazonian inundation forests 23-30
IRMLER, U.: Population-ecology and migration of Dero multibranchiata STIEREN, 1892 (Naididae, Oligochaeta) in the Central Amazon inundation forest 31-52
JEDICKE, A., FURCH, B., SAINT-PAUL, U. & U.-B. SCHLÜTER: Increase in the oxygen concentration in Amazon waters resulting from the root exudation of two notorious water plants, Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) and Pistia stratiotes (Araceae) 53-69
MÜLLER, P.: Biomonitoring of chemicals on tropical ecosystems 71-89
FURCH, K., JUNK, W.J. & Z.E.S. CAMPOS: Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaves from Amazonian floodplain forest species in water 91-116
STEFFAN, A.W.: Announcement - Publications on tropical entomology 117
Amazoniana 11(2), 1990
LOURENÇO, W.R. & E. FLOREZ: Scorpions (Chelicerata) from Colombia. III. The scorpio- fauna of pacific region (Choco), with some biogeographic considerations 119-133
FERRAZ, E. & V.E. THATCHER: Camallanus acaudatus sp.n. (Nematoda, Camallanidae) and a description of the male of Camallanus tridentatus (DRASCHE, 1984), parasites of fishes of the Brazilian Amazon. [in Portuguese] 135-145
MANSUR, M.C.D. & M.G.O. DA SILVA: Compared morphology and microanatomy of Bartlettia stefanensis (MORICAND, 1856) with Anodontites tenebricosus (LEA, 1834) (Bivalvia, Uniono-ida, Muteloidea). [in Portuguese] 147-166
WOLF, A.: Observations on the vegetation of some shallow lakes near the mouth of the Rio Ypané, Paraguay. [in German] 167-184
KOSTE, W. & B. ROBERTSON: Taxonomic studies of the Rotifera from shallow waters on the Island of Maracá, Roraima, Brazil 185-200
HERO, J.-M.: An illustrated key to tadpoles occurring in the Central Amazon rainforest, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil 201-262
Amazoniana 11(3/4), 1991
THATCHER, V.E.: Amazon fish parasites 263-571
Amazoniana 12(1), 1992
FERRAZ, E. & V.E. THATCHER: Paracamallanus amazonensis sp.n. (Nematoda: Camallanidae) a parasite of the catfish, Hypophthalmus edentatus (Pisces: Hypophthalmidae) of the Brazilian Amazon. [in Portuguese] 1-6
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C. & P.R.C. COSTA: On Metania spinata (CARTER, 1881) and Metania kiliani n.sp.: Porifera, Metaniidae VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, 1986 7-16
WORTHMANN, H.O.: Aspects of the reproduction of two sciaenid species, the pescadas Plagioscion squamosissimus HECKEL 1864) and Plagioscion monti (SOARES 1979), Pisces, in different water types of the Central Amazon. [in German] 17-28
RÖMBKE, J. & M. VERHAAGH: About earthworm communities in a rain forest and an adjacent pasture in Peru 29-49
SCHLÜTER, U.-B. & B. FURCH: Morphological, anatomical, and physiological investigations on the tolerance to flooding by the tree Macrolobium acaciaefolium, characteristic of the white- and blackwater inundation forest near Manaus, Amazonas. [in German] 51-69
FERNANDES-CORRÊA, A.F. & B. FURCH: Investigations on the tolerance of several trees to submergence in blackwater (igapó) and whitewater (várzea) inundation forests near Manaus, Central Amazonia 71-84
MANSUR, M.C.D. & R.M. VALER: Bivalve molluscs from Rio Uraricoera and Rio Branco, Roraima, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 85-100
BEGOSSI, A. & F.M. DE SOUZA BRAGA: Food taboos and folk medicine among fishermen from the Tocantins River (Brazil) 101-118
WUNDERLE, I.: Arboricolous and edaphic Oribatei (Acari) in the lowland rain forest of Panguana, Peru. [in German] 119-142
Amazoniana 12(2), 1992
WALKER, I.: The benthic litter habitat with its sediments load in the inundation forest of the Central Amazonian blackwater river Tarumã Mirím 143-153
HARDY, E.R.: Changes in species composition of Cladocera and food availability in a flood- plain lake, Lago Jacaretinga, Central Amazon 155-168
SCHELLER, U.: A study of Neotropical Symphyla (Myriapoda): list of species, keys to genera and description of two new Amazonian species 169-180
AGUIAR, N.O., VICENTE DA SILVA, J. & P.F. BÜHRNHEIM: Dolichowithius  mediofasciatus MAHNERT, 1979 (Arachnida, Pseudoscorphiones, Withiidae) phoretic on Platypodidae (Insecta, Coleoptera), in the Amazon State, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 181-185
AGUIAR, N.O. & P.F. BÜHRNHEIM: Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) in phoretic association with Passalidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Amazon State, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 187-205
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: Review of the Neotropical fauna of the millipede family  Fuhrmannodesmidae, with the description of four new species from near Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) 207-226
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: Review of the Neotropical millipede genus Onciurosoma SILVESTRI, 1932, with the description of three new species from near Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae) 227-237
BOZELLI, R.L.: Composition of the zooplankton community of Batata and Mussurá Lakes and of the Trombetas River, State of Pará, Brazil 239-261
KOSTE, W. & K. BÖTTGER: Rotifers from Ecuadorian waters II. [in German] 263-303
MERELES, F., DEGEN, R. & N. LOPEZ DE KOCHALCA: Humide areas in Paraguay: description of vegetation. [in Spanish] 305-316
VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C.: The freshwater sponges in some peat-bog ponds in Brazil 317-335
VIEIRA, M.F. & J. ADIS: Abundance and biomass of Paulinia acuminata (DE GEER, 1773) (Orthoptera: Pauliniidae) in a várzea lake of Central Amazonia. [in Portuguese] 337-352
Amazoniana 12(3/4), 1993
MÉRONA, B. DE: Ecological conditions of the production in a floodplain island of Central Amazonia: A multidisciplinary project. [in French] 353-363
RIBEIRO, J.S.B. & A.J. DARWICH: Phytoplanktonic primary production of a fluvial island lake in the Central Amazon (Lago do Rei, Ilha do Careiro). [in Portuguese] 365-383
MOREIRA, L.C. & O. ODINETZ COLLART: Diel vertical migration of the prawn larvae of Macrobrachium amazonicum (HELLER, 1862) in a Central Amazonian floodplain lake, Careiro Island, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 385-398
ODINETZ COLLART, O. & L.C. MOREIRA: Fishery potential of Macrobrachium amazonicum in Central Amazonia (Careiro Island): abundance and size variation. [in Portuguese] 399-413
MÉRONA, B. DE & M.M. BITTENCOURT: Fish communities of the "Lago do Rei", a floodplain lake in the Central Amazon: a general description. [in French] 415-441
MÉRONA, B. DE & M.M. BITTENCOURT: Factors and constraints of the commercial fishing activity in the Central Amazon: a case study of a floodplain lake (The "Lago do Rei", Amazon, Brazil). [in Portuguese] 443-465
JUNK, W.J. & M.T.F. PIEDADE: Herbaceous plants of the Amazon floodplain near Manaus: Species diversity and adaptations to the flood pulse 467-484
ALFAIA, S.S. & N.P. FALÇÃO: Study of nutrient dynamics in floodplain soils of the Careiro Island - Central Amazonia. [in Portuguese] 485-493
OLIVEIRA, E.P. DE: Influence of different cropping systems on the density of terrestrial invertebrates in várzea soil of Central Amazonia. [in Portuguese] 495-508
GRENAND, F. & P. GRENAND: Historical stages of the várzea settlements in the Amazon. [in Portuguese] 509-526
GUILLAUMET, J.-L., LOURD, M., BAHRI, S. & A.A. DOS SANTOS: Agricultural systems  on Careiro Island. [in Portuguese] 527-550
BAHRI, S.: Agroforestry systems on Careiro Island. [in French] 551-563
LOURD, M.: The main pathogens of cultivated plants on Careiro Island. [in Portuguese] 565-576
Amazoniana 13(1/2), 1994
BECK, L.: Obituary (Dr. Bernd Friebe 1952-1994). [in German] 1-2
BOEGER, R.T.: Morpho-anatomical adaptation of Polygonum spectabile MART. (Polygonaceae) to the flooding in the Amazonian várzea. [in Portuguese] 3-11
BOEGER, W.A. & E. BELMONT-JÉGU: Neotropical Monogenoidea. 21. Trinigyrus mourei sp.n. (Dactylogyridae) from the gills of the Amazonian catfish Hypostomus marginatus (Loricariidae) 13-16
BOZELLI, R.L.: Zooplankton community density in relation to water level fluctuations and inorganic turbidity in an Amazonian lake, "Lago Batata", State of Pará, Brazil 17-32
ESTEVES, F. DE A., THOMAZ, S.M. & F. ROLAND: Comparison of the metabolism of two floodplain lakes of the Trombetas River (Pará, Brazil) based on a study of diel variation 33-46
BARTHLOTT, W., RIEDE, K. & M. WOLTER: Mimicry and ultrastructural analogy between the semi-aquatic grasshopper Paulinia acuminata (Orthoptera: Pauliniidae) and its foodplant, the water-fern Salvinia auriculata (Filicatae: Salviniaceae) 47-58
ZALESSKAJA, N.T.: The centipede genus Lamyctes MEINERT, 1868, in the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Henicopidae) 59-64
SCHELLER, U.: Pauropoda of a secondary forest near the Tarumã Mirím River, Amazonas, Brazil (Myriapoda, Pauropoda, Pauropodidae) 65-130
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: Further new Fuhrmannodesmidae from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil, with a revision of Cryptogonodesmus SILVESTRI, 1898 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) 131-161
PEREIRA, L.A., MINELLI, A. & F. BARBIERI: New and little known geophilomorph centipedes from Amazonian inundation forests near Manaus, Brazil (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha) 163-204
GAMA, DA M.M. & E. PEREIRA DE OLIVEIRA: Evolutionary systematics of Xenylla. XVI. Description of a new species in Amazonia (Insecta: Collembola). [in Spanish] 205-208
Amazoniana 13(3/4), 1995
DELOBEL, A., COUTURIER, G., KAHN, F. & J.A. NILSSON: Trophic relationships between palms and bruchids (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Pachymerini) in Peruvian Amazonia 209-219
 SILVA, C.P.D.: Community structure of fish in urban and natural streams in the Central Amazon 221-236
WALKER, I.: Sedimentation in the inundation forest flanking the Central Amazonian blackwater stream Rio Tarumã Mirím (Manaus, Amazonas State) 237-243
PANOSSO, R. DE F., MUEHE, D. & F. DE A. ESTEVES: Morphological characteristics of an Amazon floodplain lake (Lake Batata, Pará State, Brazil) 245-258
GARCIA, M.V.B. & J. ADIS: Nesting behaviour of Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) rogenhoferi KOHL (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in a várzea inundation forest of Central Amazonia. [in Portuguese] 259-282
HOFFMAN, R.L.: Redefinition of the milliped genus Pycnotropis, and description of a new species from Manaus, Brazil (Polydesmida: Platyrhacidae: Euryurinae) 283-292
THATCHER, V.E.: Anphira xinguensis sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of an Amazonian serrasalmid fish, Ossobius xinguense JÉGU, 1992 293-303
THATCHER, V.E.: Comparative pleopod morphology of eleven species of parasitic isopods from Brazilian fish 305-314
KURY, A.B.: A review of Huralvioides (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae, Pachylinae) 315-323
PEREIRA, L.A., MINELLI, A. & F. BARBIERI: Description of nine new centipede species from Amazonia and related matters on Neotropical geophilomorphs (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha) 325-416
GERECKE, R.: Water mites from Ecuador I. A new genus of the family Anisitsiellidae KOENIKE, 1909 (Acari: Hydrachnellae) from a rain forest stream in the province of Esmeraldas 417-422
Amazoniana 14(1/2), 1996
HOFFMAN, R.L., GOLOVATCH, S.I., ADIS, J. & J.W. DE MORAIS: Practical keys to the orders and families of millipedes of the Neotropical region (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) 1-35
HUSZAR, V.L.M.: Planktonic algae, other than desmids, of three Amazonian systems (Lake Batata, Lake Mussurá and Trombetas River), Pará, Brazil 37-73
SOPHIA, M.G. & V.L.M. HUSZAR: Planktonic desmids of three Amazonian systems (Lake Batata, Lake Mussurá and Trombetas River), Pará, Brazil 75-90
LIMA, I.M.B.: A new species of Circoniscus PEARSE, 1917 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Scleropactidae) from the Amazonian region of Brazil. [in Portuguese] 91-100
LIMA, I.M.B.: A new species of Prosekia VANDEL, 1968 (Philosciidae: Isopoda) from Amazonia of Brazil. [in Portuguese] 101-108
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: Two new and one little-known species of the millipede family Pyrgodesmidae from near Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) 109-120
THATCHER, V.E.: Braga amapaensis n.sp. (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) a mouth cavity parasite of the Amazonian fish, Acestrorhynchus guyanensis MENEZES, with a redefinition of the genus Braga 121-129
THATCHER, V.E.: A new genus and three new species of Monorchiidae (Trematoda) from freshwater fish of Rondônia State, Brazil 131-136
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: A new species of Cutervodesmus KRAUS, 1957, from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil, with notes on the genus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Fuhrmannodesmidae) 137-141
THATCHER, V.E. & M. JÉGU: Intestinal helminths as population markers of the Amazonian fish Mylesinus paraschomburgkii, with descriptions of five new genera and seven new species of trematodes 143-155
ENRICH-PRAST, A. & F. DE A. ESTEVES: Seasonal nitrogen fixation in the sediment of an Amazonian lake impacted by bauxite tailings (Batata Lake-Pará) 157-163
SILVA, V.M.F. DA & R.C. BEST: Freshwater dolphin/fisheries interaction in the Central Amazon (Brazil) 165-175
Amazoniana 14(3/4), 1997
ROSSO DE FERRADÁS, B.E. & K. BÖTTGER: Water mites from stagnant waters of Paraguay 177-212
CONDÉ, B.: Supplementary description of the Brasilian palpigrade Eukoenenia janetscheki CONDÉ. [in French] 213-220
JUNK, W.J.: Ecological studies on crocodilans in Suriname. P.E. OUBOTER. Book review 221
SCHELLER, U.: Pauropoda from upland and inundation forests in Central Amazonia, Brazil (Myriapoda, Pauropoda: Millotauropodidae, Pauropodidae) 223-300
GOLOVATCH, S.I., HOFFMAN, R.L., ADIS, J., VOHLAND, K. & A. MÁRMOL: On the identity of further two millipede species (Diplopoda) from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia 301-309
THATCHER, V.E.: Mouthpart morphology of six freshwater species of Cymothoidae (Isopoda) from Amazonian fish compared to that of three marine forms, with the proposal of Artystonenae subfam. nov. 311-322
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: On some further Neotropical Pyrgodesmidae, partly from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) 323-334
AMARAL, I.L. DO, ADIS, J. & G.T. PRANCE: On the vegetation of a seasonal mixedwater inundation forest near Manaus, Brazilian Amazonia 335-347
DREHER MANSUR, M.C., VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C. & J. LOPES DE CARVALHO: Paxyodon syrmatophorus (MEUSCHEN, 1781) (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionoida) in the Curuá-Una reservoir, Santarém, Pará, Brazil 349-351
TALLING, J.F.: The Central Amazon floodplain. Ecology of a pulsing system.  W.J. JUNK (ed.). - Book review 353
Amazoniana 15(1/2), 1998
CALLISTO, M., ESTEVES, F. DE A., GONÇALVES, J.F. Jr. & J.J.L. FONSECA: Benthic macro-invertebrates as indicators of ecological fragility of small rivers ('igarapés') in a bauxite mining region of Brazilian Amazonia 1-9
VÁSQUEZ, E., PARDO, M.J., ZOPPI DE ROA, E. & C. LÓPEZ: Rotifer fauna from Venezuela 11-24
DÍAZ-CASTRO, J.G. & E.R. HARDY: Life history of Moina micrura (KURZ) fed with three algae species, in the laboratory 25-34
NESSIMIAN, J.L., DORVILLÉ, L.F.M., SANSEVERINO, A.M. & D.F. BAPTISTA: Relation between flood pulse and functional composition of the macroinvertebrate benthic fauna in the lower Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil 35-50
THATCHER, V.E.: Description of adults of Octospiniferoides incognita SCHMIDT & HUGGHINS 1973 (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from a fish of Rondônia State, Brazil 51-55
GOLOVATCH, S.I. & J. ADIS: Description of Taulidesmella tabatinga n.sp. (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Pyrgodesmidae) from Amazon River floodplains, with notes on its distribution and ecology 57-66
GOLOVATCH, S.I., VOHLAND, K., HOFFMAN, R.L., ADIS, J., MÁRMOL, A., BACHMANN, L. & J. TOMIUK: Review of the Neotropical millipede genus Pycnotropis CARL, 1914 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae) 67-102
THATCHER, V.E. & M. JÉGU: Amphistomes as species markers of the serrasalmid fish, Myleus ternetzi (NORMAN), from French Guiana, with descriptions of two new species and one new genus 103-112
PAROLIN, P.: Floristic composition and structure of two stands of Senna reticulata differing in age 113-128
VOHLAND, K.: Review of the millipede subfamily Amplininae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae) with remarks on phylogeny and the description of some new South American genera and species 129-163
Amazoniana 15(3/4), 1999
JUNK, W.J.: Obituary Dr. Hans Klinge (1928-1999) 165-168
SCHELLER, U.: The taxonomic composition and affinities of the Brazilian Pauropoda with  description of three new species from Central Amazonia (Myriapoda, Pauropoda: Pauropodidae) 169-182
THATCHER, V.E. & I. SCHINDLER: Artystone bolivianensis n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) from a loricariid catfish of the Bolivian Amazon 183-191
LEAL, J.J.F. & F. DE A. ESTEVES: Density and biomass of Campsurus sp. (Ephemeroptera) and other macroinvertebrates in an Amazonian lake impacted by bauxite tailings (Lago Batata, Pará, Brazil) 193-209
ZOMPRO, O. & I. FRITZSCHE: Lucihormetica fenestrata n.gen., n.sp., the first record of luminescence in an orthopteroid insect (Dictyoptera: Blaberidae: Blaberinae: Brachycolini) 211-219
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: On six new and some older Pyrgodesmidae from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) 221-238
ISHII, K., NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN, M. & B. CONDÉ: The first penicillate millipedes from the vicinity of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda: Polyxenida) 239-267
GOLOVATCH, S.I., HOFFMAN, R.L. & J. ADIS: A new species of Chondrodesmus SILVESTRI, 1897, from near Tefé, Central Amazonia, Brazil, with first ecological observations (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Chelodesmidae) 269-277
BRETFELD, G. & U. GAUER: A second species of the genus Sturmius BRETFELD, 1994: Sturmius truncivivus n.sp. from Brazil (Insecta, Collembola, Symphypleona) 279-284
ADIS, J.: PADOCH, C., AYRES, J.M., PINEDO-VASQUEZ, M. & A. HENDERSON (eds.): Várzea - Diversity, development, and conservation of Amazonia's whitewater flood- plains. - Book review 285-286
ADIS, J.: PARROTTA, J.A., FRANCIS, J.K. & R.R. DE ALMEIDA: Trees of the Tapajós - A photographic field guide. - Book review 287
ANONYMOUS: Contents of Amazoniana Volumes 1 (1965) - 15 (1999) 289-326

Amazoniana 16(1/2), 2000

PEREIRA, L.A., FODDAI, D. & A. MINELLI: New taxa of Neotropical Geophilomorpha (Chilopoda)
FODDAI, D., PEREIRA, L.A. & A. MINELLI: A catalogue of the geophilomorph centipedes (Chilopoda) from Central and South America including Mexico
COKENDOLPHER, J.C. & J.R. REDDELL: New and rare Schizomida (Arachnida: Hubbardiidae) from South America
PAGÉS, J.: Parajapyx (P.) adisi n.sp., the first Diplura Parajapygidae of inundation forests in Central Amazonia. [in French]
COLLADO, R. & R.M. SCHMELZ: Pedonais crassifaucis n.gen., n.sp. (Naididae) and Bothrioneurum righii n.sp. (Tubificidae), two new tropical soil-dwelling species of "aquatic" oligochaetes (Clitellata, Annelida) from Central Amazonia
THATCHER, V.E.: A new genus and species of amphistome parasite (Trematoda: Cladorchiidae) from a fish of Rondônia State, Brazil 237-240
PAROLIN, P.: The use of trees in forests inundated by whitewater in Central Amazonia. - Scientific note. [in Portuguese] 241-248
THATCHER, V.E.: Perulernaea pirapitingae n.sp. (Copepoda: Lernaeidae) a parasite of the serrasalmid fish, Piaractus brachypomus from the Meta River, Colombia 249-257
LOURENÇO, W.R. & R. PINTO-DA-ROCHA: Additions to the knowledge of the Chactidae of Brazilian Amazonia (Arachnida: Scorpiones) 259-274
JUNK, W.J.: A águe e o homem na várzea do Careiro. 2nd edition. H.O'R. STERNBERG (ed.). - Book review 275-276
FITTKAU, E.J.: Obituary Dr. Friedrich Reiss (1937-1999). [in German & English] 277
Amazoniana 16(3/4), 2001
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Harald Sioli on the occasion of his 90th anniversary
Part I

STEINER, G.: Vignette
JUNK, W.J.: Appraisal of the scientific work of Harald SIOLI
SCHMIDT, L.: Birthday letter to Harald SIOLI
AB'SÁBER, A.N.: The prehistoric human geography of Brazil
FITTKAU, E.J.: Amazonian Chironomidae (Diptera, Chironomidae): A contribution to chironomid research in the Neotropics
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: Agnurodesmus siolii n.sp., the first Cyrtodesmidae to be reported from Brazil, with remarks on the genus and family (Diplopoda, Polydesmida)
GOPAL, B.: Holy Ganga and the mighty Amazon
IRMLER, U.: New Neotropical species of the genera Clavilispinus, Aneucamptus, Thoracophorus, and Holotrochus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Osoriinae)
KOHLHEPP, G.: Amazonia 2000: An evaluation of three decades of regional planning and development programmes in the Brazilian Amazon region
MEDINA, E., GIARRIZZO, T., MENEZES, M., CARVALHO LIRA, M., CARVALHO, E.A., PERES, A., SILVA B., A., VILHENA, R., REISE, A. & F.C. BRAGA: Mangal communities of the "Salgado Paraense": Ecological heterogeneity along the Bragança peninsula assessed through soil and  leaf analyses
MEDVEDEV, L.N.: A new species of Lysathia BECHYNÉ, 1959 from the Pantanal, Brazil (Insecta, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae)
MEGGERS, B.J.: The mystery of the Marajoara: An ecological solution
RODRIGUES, W.A., FURCH, K. & † H. KLINGE: Comparative study of the litterfall in a primary and secondary terra firme forest in the vicinity of Manaus, State of Amazonas, Brazil
SALATI, E., NOBRE, C.A. & A.A. DOS SANTOS: Amazonian deforestation: Regional and global issues
SCHALLER, F.: On the glowing and preying behaviour of lampyrid and pyrophorine larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae, Elateridae): An open subject for future research in Amazonia. - Scientific note.
SCHARF, B.W., PIRRUNG, M., BOEHRER, B., BÜCHEL, G., FRIESE, K., KUSEL-FETZMANN, E., MAGES, M., TREUTLER, H.-C. & A. WITKOWSKI: Limnogeological studies of maar lake Ranu Klindungan, East Java, Indonesia
SMITH, N.J.H.: Land use dynamics in the Amazon estuary and implications for natural resource management
VANZOLINI, P.E.: Temporal fluctuations in scale counts and body proportions of Amazonian riparian lizards (Cnemidophorus, Sauria, Teiidae)
WALKER, I.: The pattern of distribution of the two sibling species Euryrhynchus amazoniensis and E. burchelli (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in the Central Amazonian blackwater stream Tarumã-Mirím, and the problem of coexistence
HAFFER, J. & G.T. PRANCE: Climatic forcing of evolution in Amazonia during the Cenozoic: On the refuge theory of biotic differentiation
COLINVAUX, P.A., IRION, G., RÄSÄNEN, M.E. & M.B. BUSH: A paradigm to be discarded: Geological and paleoecological data falsify the HAFFER & PRANCE refuge hypothesis of Amazonian speciation
VAN DER HAMMEN, T.: Ice age tropical South America: What was it really like?. - Scientific note
HOOGHIEMSTRA, H.: The continuing debate on the history of the Amazonian rain forest. - Scientific note
PAGÉS, J.: ERRATUM: AMAZONIANA XVI(1/2): 213-222, 2000:
Amazoniana 17(1/2), 2002
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Harald Sioli on the occasion of his 90th anniversary
Part II

ADIS, J., FODDAI, D., GOLOVATCH, S.I., HOFFMAN, R.L., MINELLI, A., MORAIS, J.W. DE, PEREIRA, L.A., SCHELLER, U., SCHILEYKO, A.A. & M. WÜRMLI: Myriapoda at 'Reserva Ducke', Central Amazonia/Brazil
BEHLING, H.: Late Quaternary vegetation and climate dynamics in southeastern Amazonia inferred from Lagoa da Confusão in Tocantins State, northern Brazil
BEHLING, H.: Impact of the Holocene sea-level changes in coastal, eastern and Central Amazonia
MAIA, L.A. & M.T.F. PIEDADE: Influence of the flood pulse on leaf phenology and photosynthetic activity of trees in a flooded forest in Central Amazonia/Br
ROLAND, F., ESTEVES, F. DE & F.A.R. BARBOSA: Relationship between antropogenically caused turbidity and phytoplankton production in a clear Amazonian floodplain lake
WALDHOFF, D. & B. FURCH: Leaf morphology and anatomy in eleven tree species from Central Amazonian floodplains (Brazil)

ARNDT, E., ZERM, M. & J. ADIS: Key to the larval tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) of Central Amazonian floodplains (Brazil)
BRETFELD, G.: Known and new genera and species of Symphypleona (Insecta, Collembola) obtained by canopy fogging in Central Amazonia, Brazil
BONECKER, C.C., LANSAC-TÔHA, F.A., BINI, L.M. & L.F.M. VELHO: Daily fluctuation in rotifer population abundance in two environments of the upper Paraná River floodplain, Bra
CALLIL, C.T. & M.C. DREHER MANSUR: Corbiculidae in the Pantanal: history of invasion in southeast and central South America and biometrical data
DELGADO, C.: The relationship between Pachymerus cardo (FÅHRAEUS) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and the palm Orbignya spectabilis (C. MARTIUS) BURRET (Arecaceae: Cocoeae) in a terra firme forest, Brazilian Amazon. - Scientific note
GOLOVATCH, S.I.: On two species of the millipede genus Pycnotropis CARL, 1914 from Amapá state, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae)
LOURENÇO, W.R. & A. PÉZIER: Addition to the scorpion fauna of the Manaus region (Brazil), with a description of two new species of Tityus from the canopy
ROWLAND, J.M.: Review of the South American whip scorpions (Thelyphonida: Arachnida)
SCHELLER, U.: Two new pauropod species from Central Amazonia (Myriapoda: Pauropoda: Pauropodidae)
SOUZA, D.C. DE, THOMAZ, S.M. & L.M. BINI: Species richness and beta-diversity of aquatic macrophytes assemblages in three floodplain tropical lagoons: evaluating the effects of sampling size and depth gradients
TAKIYA, D.M. & G. MEYDALANI: On the Central and Western Amazonian genus Tacora MELICHAR, 1926 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae): key to species and descriptions of three new taxa
VAN BAAREN, J., DELEPORTE, P. & P. GRANDCOLAS: Cockroaches in French Guiana Icteridae birds nests
ZERM, M.: Zur Biologie und Überlebensstrategie der Sandlaufkäfer offener Habitate zentralamazonischer Überschwemmungsgebiete (Col.: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) (Brasilien)

Amazoniana 17(3/4), 2003
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Junk on the occasion of his 60th anniversary

ARAUJO, C.S. DE & V.E. THATCHER: Anphira junki n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of Triportheus albus and T. flavus (Pisces) in the Brazilian Amazon    download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 283-290
DRAGO, E.C., DRAGO, I.E. DE, OLIVEROS, O.B. & A.R. PAIRA: Aquatic habitats, fish and invertebrate assemblages of the Middle Paraná River    download as pdf-files in three parts   part 1 (1.2 MB)    part 2 (1.8 MB)    part 3 (0.8 MB) 291-341
GOLOVATCH, S.I., HOFFMANN, R.L., MÁRMOL, A. & J. ADIS: A new, apparently arboricolous species of the millipede genus Mestosoma SILVESTRI, 1897 from near Iquitos, Peruvian Amazonia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae)    download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 343-348
IRMLER, U.: Distribution, redescription and description of new species of the Clavilispinus exiguus group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Osoriinae) in the Neotropical region    download as pdf-file (0.8 MB) 349-360
KERN, J. & A. DARWICH: The role of periphytic N2 fixation for stands of macrophytes in the whitewater floodplain (várzea)    download as pdf-file (1.0 MB) 361-375
MAGALHÃES, C.: The occurrence of freshwater crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae) in the Rio Xingu, Amazon Region, Brazil, with description of a new species of Pseudothelphusidae    download as pdf-file (0.6 MB) 377-386
MARTIUS, C.: Rainfall and air humidity: non-linear relationships with termite swarming in Amazonia    download as pdf-file (0.6 MB) 387-397
PAROLIN, P., ADIS, J., SILVA, M.F. DA, AMARAL, I.L. DO, SCHMIDT, L. & M.T.F. PIEDADE: Floristic composition of a floodplain forest in the Anavilhanas archipelago, Brazilian Amazonia    download as pdf-file (0.6 MB) 399-411
SMITH, L.K., MELACK, J.M. & D.E. HAMMOND: Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus content and 210Pb - derived burial rates in sediments of an Amazon floodplain lake    download as pdf-file (1.3 MB) 413-436
SOBRAL, M., PAROLIN, P. & U. SAINT-PAUL: Otolith microstructure analysis for age determination of the Amazon characid Triportheus albus    download as pdf-file (0.7 MB) 437-449
WALDHOFF, D.: Leaf structure in trees of Central Amazonian floodplain forests (Brazil)    download as pdf-file (1.0 MB) 451-469
WALKER, I.: The benthic insect fauna of the blackwater forest stream Rio Tarumã-Mirím (Manaus, Amazonas): patterns of population dynamics and their implications for ecosystem stability    download as pdf-file (0.7 MB) 471-480
WANTZEN, K.M.: Cerrado streams - characteristics of a threatened freshwater ecosystem type on the Tertiary Shields of Central South America    download as pdf-file (1.4 MB) 481-502
ZERM, M. & J. ADIS: Survival strategy of the bombardier beetle, Pheropsophus rivieri (Col.: Carabidae) in a Central Amazonian blackwater floodplain (Brazil)    download as pdf-file (0.4 MB) 503-508
ZOMPRO, O.: Prisopus wolfgangjunki n.sp., a new species of Prisopus ST. FARGENAU & AUDINET SERVILLE, 1827, from Brazil (Phasmatodea: Prisopodidae)    download as pdf-file (0.2 MB) 509-511

AMADO, A.M., FARJALLA, V.F., ESTEVES, F.A. & R.L. BOZELLI: DOC photo-oxidation in clear water Amazonian aquatic ecosystems    download as pdf-file (0.6 MB) 513-523
BATISTA, T.C.A., VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C., DARWICH, A. & L.F. ALVES: Freshwater sponges as indicators of floodplain lake environments and of river rocky bottoms in Central Amazonia    download as pdf-file (1.6 MB) 525-549
BRETFELD, G.: Adisianus nom.nov. for a genus of Symphypleona (Insecta, Collembola) from Central Amazonia, Brazil    download as pdf-file (0.1 MB) 551-552
CARNEIRO, L.S., BOZELLI, R.L. & F.A. ESTEVES: Long-term changes in the density of the copepod community in an Amazonian lake impacted by bauxite tailings    download as pdf-file (1.0 MB) 553-566
ROSSA, D.C. & C.C. BONECKER: Abundance of planktonic and non-planktonic rotifers in lagoons of the Upper Paraná River floodplain    download as pdf-file (0.6 MB) 567-581
TORRES, D. & C.R. BEASLEY: Pattern of use of a small bay in northern Brazil by Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae)    download as pdf-file (0.7 MB) 583-594
Amazoniana 18(1/2), 2004

MELO, S., HUSZAR, V.L.M., ROLAND, F., ESTEVES, F.A. & R. BOZELLI: Phytoplankton diel variation and vertical distribution in two Amazonian flood-plain lakes (Batata Lake and Mussurá Lake, Pará-Brasil) with different mixing regimes    download as pdf-file (0.9 MB) 1-10
†RODRÍGUEZ, G. & H. SUÁREZ: A revision of the freshwater crabs of the family Pseudothelphusidae (Decapoda: Brachyura) from Peru with notes on the the southern limits of the family    download as pdf-file (1.7 MB) 11-28
PAROLIN, P., ADIS, J., RODRIGUES, W.A., AMARAL, I. & M.T.F. PIEDADE: Floristic study of an igapó floodplain forest in Central Amazonia, Brazil (Tarumã-Mirim, Rio Negro)    download as pdf-file (2.0 MB) 29-47
GOLOVATCH, S.I. & R.L. HOFFMAN: On two new chelodesmid millipedes from Amapá, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Chelodesmidae)    download as pdf-file (0.9 MB) 49-55
GOLOVATCH, S.I., HOFFMAN, R.L., ADIS, J., SPELDA, J., VOHLAND, K. & D. SEITZ: The millipede subfamily Aphelidesminae in Amazonia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae)    download as pdf-file (1.8 MB) 57-73
CAZORLA, C.G. & P.I. MARINO: The pupa of Stilobezzia punctulata LANE from Peruvian Amazonia (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)    download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 75-80
ENRICH-PRAST, A., MEIRELLES-PEREIRA, F. & F.A. ESTEVES: Development of periphytic bacteria associated with detritus of the Amazonian aquatic macrophyte Oryza glumaepatula    download as pdf-file (1.2 MB) 81-93
ARBELÁEZ, F., GÁLVIS, G., MOJICA, J.I. & S. DUQUE: Composition and richnes of the ichthyofauna in a terra firme forest stream of the Colombian Amazonia    download as pdf-file (1.2 MB) 95-107
FONSECA LEAL, J.J., ESTEVES, F.A. & M. CALLISTO: Distribution of Chironomidae larvae in an Amazonian flood-plain lake impacted by bauxite tailings (Brazil)    download as pdf-file (1.3 MB) 109-123
CAPELLO, S., MARCHESE, M. & I. EZCURRA DE DRAGO: Decomposition and invertebrate colonization of Salix humboldtiana leaf litter on the Middle Paraná River floodplain  [in Spanish]    download as pdf-file (2.0 MB) 125-143
SCHÖLLER, M.: A new species in the formerly monotypic genus Heptarthrius SUFFRIAN (Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae)    download as pdf-file (0.4 MB) 145-149
MEDVEDEV, L.N.: A new species of Myochrous DEJEAN, 1837 from Brazil (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Eumolpinae)    download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 151-155
BERGHOLZ, N.G.R., ADIS, J. & S.I. GOLOVATCH: New records of the millipede Myrmecodesmus hastatus (SCHUBART, 1945) in Amazonia of Brazil (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae)    download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 157-161
SCHALLER, F.: Nachruf/Obituary Prof. Dr. Harald Felix Ludwig Sioli (1910-2004)    download as pdf-file (0.7 MB) 163-168
ANONYMOUS: Prof. Dr. Harald Sioli in memoriam    download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 169-172
Amazoniana 18(3/4), 2005

BEASLEY, C.R., DE QUADROS MIRANDA, L., ALVES, S.T.M., MELO, A.G., SOUZA, J.O. & C.H. TAGLIARO: Brood size and larval length of Paxyodon syrmatophorus (Bivalvia, Hyriidae) from the Tocantins river, Brazil    download as pdf-file (0.3 MB) 173-184
LIN, D.S.C. & É. PELLEGRINI-CARAMASCHI: Seasonal and diel stability of limnological parameters and habitat structure in a floodplain lake silted by bauxite tailings (Lago Batata, Pará, Brazil)    download as pdf-file (3.3 MB) 185-202
LOURENÇO, W.R.: Scorpion diversity and endemism in the Rio Negro region of Brazilian Amazonia, with the description of two new species of Tityus C.L. KOCH (Scorpiones, Buthidae)    download as pdf-file (3.6 MB) 203-213
CASTILHO, A.C. DA COSTA, MARQUES, M.I., ADIS, J. & A.D. BRESCOVIT: Seasonal and vertical distribution of Araneae in an area with predominance of Attalea phalerata MART. (Arecaceae), in the Pantanal of Poconé, Mato Grosso, Brazil. [in Portuguese]    download as pdf-file (3.1 MB) 215-239
LOURENÇO, W.R., ADIS, J. & J. DE S. ARAÚJO: A new synopsis of the scorpion fauna of the Manaus region in Brazilian Amazonia, with special reference to an inundation forest at the Tarumã Mirím river    download as pdf-file (1.8 MB) 241-249
BARBOSA, M.G.V., HENRIQUES, A.L., RAFAEL, J.A. & C.R.V. DA FONSECA: Species diversity and similarity between sites in Tabanidae (Insecta: Diptera) of a terra firme forest (Adolpho Ducke Reserve) in Central Amazonia, Brazil. [in Portuguese]    download as pdf-file (1.2 MB) 251-266
CONTRERAS‑RAMOS, A., FIORENTIN, G.L. & Y. URAKAMI: A new species of alderfly (Megaloptera: Sialidae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil    download as pdf-file (1.8 MB) 267-272
GOLOVATCH, S.I., HOFFMAN, R.L., ADIS, J., MARQUES, M.I., RAIZER, J., SILVA, F.H.O., RIBEIRO, R.A.K., SILVA, J.L. & T.G. PINHEIRO: Millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Brazilian Pantanal    download as pdf-file (4.7 MB) 273-288
CAZORLA, C.C., SPINELLI, G.R. & F. DÍAZ: Two new species of the subgenus Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) KIEFFER from Peruvian Amazonia (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)    download as pdf-file (0.9 MB) 289-297
GOCH, Y.G.F., KRUMME, U., SAINT‑PAUL, U. & J.A.S. ZUANON: Seasonal and diurnal changes in the fish fauna composition of a mangrove lake in the Caeté estuary, north Brazil    download as pdf-file (1.0 MB) 299-315
WIEDENBRUG, S. & R. OSPINA‑TORRES: A key to pupal exuviae of Neotropical Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae)    download as pdf-file (8.8 MB) 317-371
FRANCESCHINI, M.C. CAPELLO, S., LHANO, M.G., ADIS, J. & M.L. DE WYSIECKI: Morphometry of the nymphal stages in Cornops aquaticum (Acrididae: Leptysminae) from Argentina. [in Spanish]    download as pdf-file (0.3 MB) 373-386
WANTZEN, K.R., ROSA, F.R., NEVES, C.O. & C. NUNES DA CUNHA: Leaf litter addition experiments in riparian ponds with different connectivity to a Cerrado stream in Mato Grosso, Brazil    download as pdf-file (0.3 MB) 387-396
LHANO, M.G., ADIS, J., MARQUES, M.I. & L.D. BATTIROLA: Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Leptysminae): food plant acceptance in nymphs living on Eichhornia azurea in the northern Pantanal, Brazil. [in Portuguese]    download as pdf-file (0.4 MB) 397-404
SCHALLER, F.: ERRATUM: AMAZONIANA XVI(3/4): 483-486, 2001:    download as pdf-file (0.02 MB) 405
Amazoniana 19(1/2), 2006

NUNES DA CUNHA, C., RAWIEL, P., WANTZEN, K.M., JUNK, W.J. & A. LEMES DO PRADO: Mapping and characterization of vegetation units by means of Landsat imagery and management recommendations for the Pantanal of Mato Grosso (Brazil), north of Poconé.    download as pdf-file (6.3 MB) 1-32
Amazoniana 19(3/4), 2007

JUNK, W.J.: Preface    download as pdf-file (0.3 MB) 33
VEGAS-VILARÚBIA, T., PONCE,  M.E., GÓMEZ, O. & L. MORA: Wetland vegetation of the lower Orinoco Delta plain (Venezuela): A preliminary approach.    download as pdf-file (5.6 MB) 35
SCHELLER, U.: New records of Pauropoda and Symphyla (Myriapoda) from Brazil with description of new species in Allopauropus, Hanseniella and Ribautiella from the northern Pantanal wetland and from Mato Grosso of Brazil.    download as pdf-file (7.8 MB) 63
LOURENÇO, W.R. & E. APARECIDA DA SILVA: New evidence for a disrupted distribution pattern of the 'Tityus confluens' complex, with the description of a new species from State of Pará, Brazil (Scorpiones, Buthidae).    download as pdf-file (3.8 MB) 77
PUTHZ, V.: Neue Stenus-Arten, vorwiegend aus dem Amazonasgebiet (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).    download as pdf-file (3.7 MB) 87
PUTHZ, V.: New Noetropical Edaphus-species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).    download as pdf-file (20.5 MB) 97
MARQUES, M.I., ADIS, J., BATTIROLA, L.D., BRESCOVIT, A.D., SILVA, F.H.O. & J.L. SILVA: Composição da comunidade de artrópodes associada à copa de Calophyllum brasiliense (Guttiferae) no Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brasil.    download as pdf-file (3.6 MB) 131
FRANCESCHINI, M.C., ADIS, J., POI DE NEIFF, A. & M.L. DE WYSIECKI: Fenología de Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera: Acrididae) en un camalotal de Eichhornia azurea (Pontederiaceae) en Argentina.    download as pdf-file (4.4 MB) 149
NUNES DA CUNHA, C., Junk, W.J. & H.F. LEITÃO-FILHO: Woody vegetation in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil: a preliminary typology.    download as pdf-file (8.8 MB) 159
RÄTSCH, G. & K. HAASE: Anatomic prerequisites for internal root aeration of three tree species of the Amazonian inundation forest.    download as pdf-file (5.3 MB) 185
BOEGER, M.R.T. & J. ADIS: Anatomia de cinco espêcies de macrófitas aquáticas e sua importância para Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Leptysminae).    download as pdf-file (6.9 MB) 199
CAPELLO, S., ADIS, J. & M.L. DE WYSIECKI: Temperatura y fotoperiodo: qué influencia ejercen en el desarrollo ninfal de Cornops aquaticum (Orthoptera, Acrididae)?    download as pdf-file (1.3 MB) 209
JUNK, W.J.: POR, F.D., IMPERATRIZ-FONSECA, V.L. & F. LENCIONI NETO: Biomes of Brazil: An Illustrated Natural History. - Book review     download as pdf-file (0.2 MB)  217
JUNK, W.J.: TUDORANCEA, C. & M.M. TUDORANCEA: Danube Delta: Genesis and Biodiversity. - Book review     download as pdf-file (0.8 MB) 219
PANOV, E.N. & S.I. GOLOVATCH: WALKER, I.: The evolution of biological organization as a function of information. - Book review     download as pdf-file (0.4 MB) 223
BRAGA, C.E. & J. ADIS: Pontederia rotundifolia (Pontederiaceae): host plant of Cornops brevipenne (Leptysminae: Acrididae: Orthoptera). - Scientific note     download as pdf-file (0.2 MB) 225
BRAGA, C.E., NUNES, A.L. & J. ADIS: Cornops frenatum frenatum (MARSCHALL, 1836) (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Leptysminae): Ocorrência e oviposição em quatro espécies de Heliconia (Heliconiaceae) na Amazônia Central, Brasil. - Nota Científica     download as pdf-file (3.1 MB) 227
JUNK, W.J.: SIOLI, H.: Gelebtes, geliebtes Amazonien: Forschungsreisen im brasilianischen Regenwald zwischen 1940 und 1962. - Buchbesprechung     download as pdf-file (0.5 MB) 233
ANONYMUS: Contents of Amazoniana Volumes 1 (1965) - 19 (2007)     download as pdf-file (11.5 MB) 235

Part B: Alphabetical order
ADIS, J. (1981): Comparative ecological studies of the terrestrial arthropod fauna in Central Amazonian inundation forests 7(2): 87-173
ADIS, J. (1989): Illustrated key for Neotropical Myriapoda (Arthropoda). [in German and Portuguese] 10(4): 353-360
ADIS, J. (1999): PADOCH, D., AYRES, J.M., PINEDO-VASQUEZ, M. & A. HENDERSON (eds.): Várzea - Diversity, development, and conservation of Amazonia's whitewater floodplains. - Book review 15(3/4): 285-286
ADIS, J. (1999): PARROTTA, J.A., FRANCIS, J.K. & R.R. DE ALMEIDA: Trees of the Tapajós - A photographic field guide. - Book review 15(3/4): 287
ADIS, J. & V. MAHNERT (1985): On the natural history and ecology of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from an Amazonian blackwater inundation forest 9(3): 297-314
ADIS, J. & G. RIGHI (1989): Mass migration and life cycle adaption - a survival strategy of terrestrial earthworms in Central Amazonian inundation forests 11(1): 23-30
ADIS, J. & H. STURM (1987): On the natural history and ecology of Meinertellidae (Archaeognatha, Insecta) from dryland and inundation forests of Central Amazonia 10(2): 197-218
AGUIAR, N.O. & P.F. BÜHRNHEIM (1992): Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) in phoretic association with Passalidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Amazon State, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 12(2): 187-205
AGUIAR, N.O., VICENTE DA SILVA, J. & P.F. BÜHRNHEIM (1992): Dolichowithius mediofasciatus MAHNERT, 1979 (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Withiidae) phoretic on Platypodidae (Insecta, Coleoptera), in the Amazon State, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 12(2): 181-185
ALDER, D., BRÜNIG, E.F., HEUVELDOP, J. & J. SMITH (1979) Structure and functions in the rain forest of the international Amazon-ecosystem-project: Preliminary communication about the classification of stands, variation of stand structure and precipitation characteristics. [in German] 6(4): 423-444
ALFAIA, S.S. & N.P. FALÇÃO (1993): Study of nutrient dynamics in floodplain soils of the Careiro Island - Central Amazonia. [in Portuguese] 12(3/4): 485-493
ALTHERR, E. (1972): Contribution to the knowledge of nematodes of the Amazon estuary. [in French] 3(2): 141-174
ALTHERR, E. (1977): Contribution to the knowledge of nematodes of the Amazon estuary (2nd part). [in French] 6(2): 145-159
AMARAL, I.L. DO, ADIS, J. & G.T. PRANCE (1997): On the vegetation of a seasonal mixedwater inundation forest near Manaus, Brazilian Amazonia 14(3/4): 335-347
ANONYMOUS (1970): Symposium Proceedings on Environment in Amazonia. Part I 2(4): 497-501
ANONYMOUS (1972): The ion load of the Rio Negro, Amazon state, Brazil, according to investigations of Dr. Harald Ungemach. [in German] 3(2): 175-185
ANONYMOUS (1972): Rainwater analyses from Central Amazonia, carried out in Manaus, Amazon, Brazil, by Dr. Harald Ungemach. [in German] 3(2): 186-198
ANONYMOUS (1985): Prof. Dr. Harald Sioli to his 75th birthday. [in German, Portuguese, English] 9(3): i-iii 
ANONYMOUS (1999): Contents of Amazoniana Volumes 1 (1965) - 15 (1999) 15(3/4): 289-326
ARAUJO-LIMA, C.A.R.M. & E. HARDY (1987): Biological aspects of Amazonian fishes. VIII. The food of the jaraqui, Semaprochilodus insignis, alevins. [in Portuguese] 10(2): 127-136
BAHRI, S. (1993): Agroforestry systems on Careiro Island. [in French] 12(3/4): 551-563
BARTHLOTT, W., RIEDE, K. & M. WOLTER (1994): Mimicry and ultrastructural analogy between the semi-aquatic grasshopper Paulinia acuminata (Orthoptera: Pauliniidae) and its foodplant, the water-fern Salvinia auriculata
 (Filicatae: Salviniaceae)
13(1/2): 47-58
BATISTA, A. D. DA C. & H. SIOLI (1965): Introduction. [in Portuguese] 1(1): 5-6
BATISTA, A. D. DA C. & H. SIOLI (1965): Introduction. [in German] 1(1): 7-9
BECK, L. (1968): On the biology of some arachnids in the tropical forest of the Reserva Ducke (INPA, Manaus, Brazil). [in Portuguese] 1(3): 247-250
BECK, L. (1971): Zoological soil classification and characterization of the Amazonian rain forest. [in German] 3(1): 69-132
BECK, L. (1976): On the mass migration of the macro-arthropod fauna of the soil in inundation forests of the Central Amazon region. [in German] 6(1): 1-20
BECK, L. (1983): Soil zoology of the Amazonian inundation forests. [in German] 8(1): 91-99
BECK, L. (1994): Obituary (Dr. Bernd Friebe 1952-1994). [in German] 13(1/2): 1-2
BEGOSSI, A. & F.M. DE SOUZA BRAGA (1992): Food taboos and folk medicine among fishermen from the Tocantins River (Brazil) 12(1): 101-118
BERKENKAMP, H.O. (1984): A new species of Rivulus from the state Sta. Catarina/Brazil, Rivulus haraldsiolii spec. nov. (Pisces - Rivulidae). [in German] 8(4): 429-439
BICUDO, C.E. DE M. (1986): Ichthyocercus manauensis, a new desmid (Zygnemaphyceae) from Northern Brazil 9(4): 637-640
BITTNER, A. (1979): Serumosmolality and hermatocryal value of Amazonian fresh-water rays (Potamotrygonidae) during adaptation to salt-water. [in German] 6(4): 445-449
BOEGER, R.T. (1994): Morpho-anatomical adaptation of Polygonum spectabile MART. (Polygonaceae) to the flooding in the Amazonian várzea. [in Portuguese] 13(1/2): 3-11
BOEGER, W.A. & E. BELMONT-JÉGU (1994): Neotropical Monogenoidea. 21. Trinigyrus mourei sp.n. (Dactylogyridae) from the gills of the Amazonian catfish Hypostomus marginatus (Loricariidae) 13(1/2): 13-16
BÖTTGER, K. (1984): Some ecological observations on necton and benthon of Guatemalan mountain streams (Central America), with special reference to the temporary Río Cuxjá. [in German] 8(4): 475-496
BONETTO, A. (1972): A new species of Monocondylaeinae from the Amazon basin, and some considerations on this subfamily in the hydrographic systems of South America 3(2): 224-230
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BOZELLI, R.L. (1992): Composition of the zooplankton community of Batata and Mussurá Lakes and of the Trombetas River, State of Pará, Brazil 12(2): 239-261
BOZELLI, R.L. (1994): Zooplankton community density in relation to water level fluctuations and inorganic turbidity in an Amazonian lake, "Lago Batata", State of Pará, Brazil 13(1/2): 17-32
BRANDORFF, G.-O. (1973): New free living calanoid copepods (Crustacea) from the Amazon region. [in German] 4(2): 205-218
BRANDORFF, G.-O. (1973): The Neotropical genus Rhacodiaptomus KIEFER (Crustacea, Copepoda), with description of two new species. [in German] 4(4): 341-365
BRAUM, E. (1983): Observations on a reversible lip extension and its role during emergency respiration of Brycon spec. (Pisces, Characidae) and Colossoma macropomum (Pisces, Serrasalmidae). [in German] 7(4): 355-374
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BRAUM, E. & R. BOCK (1985): Form and fuction of barbels in Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Pisces Osteoglossidae) during aquatic surface respiration. [in German] 9(3): 353-370
BRETFELD, G. & U. GAUER (1999): A second species of the genus Sturmius BRETFELD, 1994: Sturmius truncivivus n.sp. from Brazil (Insecta, Collembola, Symphypleona) 15(3/4): 279-284
BRINKMANN, W.L.F. & A. DOS SANTOS (1970): Natural waters in Amazonia. III. Ammonium Molybdate-reactive silica 2(4):443-448
BRINKMANN, W.L.F. & A.N. VIEIRA (1970): Some remarks on UV-radiation at "Reserva Florestal Ducke" forest pilot scheme near Manaus, Amazon 2(3): 235-243
BRÜNIG, E.F. (1973): Species richness and stand diversity in relations to site and succession of forests in Sarawak and Brunei (Borneo) 4(3): 293-320
BRÜNIG, E.F. (1978): Variation of the structure in the rain forest of San Carlos de Rio Negro. [in German] 6(3): 275-277
BUCK, W.R. & R.A. PURSELL (1980): Fissidens brachypus: A moss restricted to a freshwater Amazonian sponge 7(1): 81-85
BUDOWSKI, G. (1976): Why save tropical rain forests? Some arguments for campaigning conservationists 5(4): 529-538
CALLISTO, M., ESTEVES, F. DE A., GONÇALVES, J.F. Jr. & J.J.L. FONSECA (1998): Benthic macro-invertebrates as indicators of ecological fragility of small rivers ('igarapés') in a bauxite mining region of Brazilian Amazonia 15(1/2): 1-9
CARVALHO, F.M. (1984): Biological and ecophysiological aspects of Curimata (Potamorhina) pristigaster, a Neotropical characine. [in Portuguese] 8(4): 525-539
CARVALHO, F.M. & E.K. DE RESENDE (1984): Aspects of the biology of Tocantinsia depressa (Siluriformes, Auchenipteridae). [in Portuguese] 8(3): 327-337
CARVALHO, J.C.M. (1984): On a new species intertidal water strider from Brazil (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha, Mesoveliidae) 8(4): 519-523
CARVALHO, J.L. DE & B. DE MERONA (1986): Studies on two migratory fish from lower Tocantins River before closure of Tucurui dam. [in Portuguese] 9(4): 595-607
CERQUEIRA, N.L. & J.A. NUNES DE MELLO (1967): Simuliidae of Amazonia II. Description of Simulium goeldii sp.n. (Diptera, Nematocera). [in Portuguese] 1(2): 125-130
CERQUEIRA, N.L. & J.A. NUNES DE MELLO (1968): Simuliidae of Amazonia IV. Description of Simulium fulvinotum sp.n. (Diptera, Nematocera). [in Portuguese] 1(3): 205-210
CHOMENKO, L. & A. SCHÄFER (1984): Biogeographical interpretation of the  distribution of Littoridina (Hydrobiidae), in coastal lakes of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. [in Portuguese] 9(1): 127-146
CONDÉ, B. (1997): Supplementary description of the Brasilian palpigrade Eukoenenia janetscheki CONDÉ. [in French] 14(3/4): 213-220
DE CARLO, J.A. (1967): A new species of the genus Ranatra and new species of Naucoridae (Hemiptera). [in Spanish]  1(2): 189-200
DE CASTRO, A.L. (1984): A new species of Prosekia (Phiolosciidae, Isopoda) from an inundation forest (igapó) in the Central Amazon. [in Portuguese]  8(4): 441-445
DEIMEL, C. (1983): Plant use and diet of the Tarahumaras in the  Northwest Mexican upland. [in German]  8(1): 149-158
DELOBEL, A., COUTURIER, G., KAHN, F. & J.A. NILSSON (1995): Trophic relationships between palms and bruchids (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Pachymerini) in Peruvian Amazonia  13(3/4): 209-219
DÍAZ-CASTRO, J.G. & E.R. HARDY (1998): Life history of Moina micrura  (KURZ) fed with three algae species, in the laboratory  15(1/2):25-34
DORN, E. (1983): On the respiration organs of some air breathing  Amazonian fishes. [in German]  7(4): 375-395
DREHER MANSUR, M.C., VOLKMER-RIBEIRO, C. & J. LOPES DE CARVALHO (1997): Paxyodon syrmatophorus (MEUSCHEN, 1781) (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionoida) in the Curuá-Una reservoir, Santarém, Pará, Brazil  14(3/4): 349-351
DUSSART, B.H. (1985): Another new diaptomid (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Brazilian Amazon  9(2): 275-280
DUSSART, B.H. (1987): On some Mesocyclops (Crustacea, Copepoda) of South America. [in French]  10(2): 149-161
DUSSART, B.H. & B. ROBERTSON (1984): Notodiaptomus paraensis n.sp., a new diaptomid (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Brazilian Amazon  8(3): 389-394
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ENRICH-PRAST, A. & F. DE A. ESTEVES (1996): Seasonal nitrogen fixation in the sediment of an Amazonian lake impacted by bauxite tailings (Batata Lake-Pará)  14(1/2): 157-163
ERWIN, T.L. (1984): Small terrestrial ground-beetles of the Amazon Basin (Coleoptera: Bembidiini: Tachyina and Anillina)  8(4): 511-518
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FASSBENDER, H.W. (1979): On the question of the water supply of Pinus caribaea-plantations in eastern Venezuela. [in German]  6(4): 451-457
FERNANDES-CORRÊA, A.F. & B. FURCH (1992) Investigations on the tolerance of several trees to submergence in blackwater (igapó) and whitewater (várzea) inundation forests near Manaus, Central Amazonia  12(1): 71-84
FERRAZ, E. & V.E. THATCHER (1988): Bacudacnitis grandistomis gen. et sp. nov. (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) an intestinal parasite of the catfish, Pseudodoras niger (VALENCIENNES) of the Brazilian Amazon. [in Portuguese]  13(3): 249-253
FERRAZ, E. & V.E. THATCHER (1990): Camallanus acaudatus sp.n. (Nematoda, Camallanidae) and a description of the male of Camallanus tridentatus (DRASCHE, 1984), parasites of fishes of the Brazilian Amazon. [in Portuguese]  11(2): 135-145
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FITTKAU, E.J. (1968): Siolimyia amazonica n.gen. n.spec., a chironomid capable of flight (Diptera) with a hypopygium inversum. [in German]  1(3): 259-265
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Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, 2009