Hi! I’m Julien, a post-doc here since November 2023. Before that, I obtained a PhD in Cognitive Sciences—I was advised by Jean-Baptiste André and Jean-Louis Dessalles. Even before that, I studied (from most recent to oldest) Social Sciences, International Relations, Economics, and Mathematics, my original training, and original love, to which I eventually returned.
I work at the interface between game theory and social psychology. I often use insights from social psychology to design more realistic mathematical models, and sometimes test the predictions of these models in the lab. In particular, I take a cognitive approach to reputation and cooperation: What information do we need to infer that a partner is trustworthy? Based on what model of the social world can we make this inference? Under what conditions will people evolve to cooperate according to our model of the social world?
I enjoy working with scientists from across the social sciences. I’m also quite keen to answer questions from other young or aspiring scientists. Don’t hesitate to contact me!
Me (right) explaining the second-order free-rider problem to our newest pre-pre-doc.