curriculum vitae

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{Updated on 02.nov.2011}

Yingguang Frank Chan 陳盈光

Mug shot


Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
August-Thienemann-Str. 2
D-24306 Plön

E-mail        frank [dot] chan [at] evolbio [dot] mpg [dot] de


Date of birth: 1st November, 1979 Citizenship: Chinese (Hong Kong SAR) and British Nationals (Overseas/Non-EU)

Research Interest

Molecular basis and evolution of adaptive complex traits:

  1. Identifying genes underlying adaptation.
  2. Understanding how an adaptive allele contributes to phenotypes and overall fitness.
  3. Tracing the fate of such adaptive alleles in natural populations.

My research combines the genetic tractability of mouse (laboratory and wild Mus musculus domesticus) and ecological advantages of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus).

Education and Training


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany

Project title: Selecting for Giants – Genetic and genomic dissection of parallel body size increase in laboratory and wild mice

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Diethard Tautz


PhD in Developmental Biology, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA

Dissertation: The genomic basis of parallel evolution in three-spined sticklebacks

Advisor: Dr. David M. Kingsley


BA (Honors) in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, USA

Honors thesis: Myosin heavy chain diversity in Danio rerio

Advisor: Dr. Stephen H. Devoto


8. Chan, Y.F. Parallel evolution: hearing echoes. Heredity (News & Commentary). Solicited.

7. Chan, Y.F., Jones, F.C., McConnell, E., Bryk, J., Bünger, L., Tautz, D. Parallel selection mapping using artificially selected mice reveals bodyweight control genes. Nature (Letter). In review.

6. Jones, F.C.*, Grabherr, M.G.*, Chan, Y.F.*, Russell, P.*, Mauceli, E., Johnson, E., Pirun, M., Zody, M.C., White, S., Birney, E., Searle, S., Schmutz, J., Grimwood, J., Dickson, M.C., Myers, R.M., Miller, C.T., Summers, B.R., Knecht, A.K., Brady, S.D., Zhang, H., Pollen, A.A., Howes, T., Amemiya, C., Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform and Whole Genome Assembly Team, Lander, E.S., Di Palma, F., Lindblad-Toh, K., Kingsley, D.M. The genomic basis of adaptive evolution in threespine sticklebacks. Nature (Article). In final revision. (*co-first authorship)

5. Jones, F.C., Chan, Y.F., Schmutz, J., Grimwood, J., Brady, S.D., Southwick, A.M., Absher, D.M., Myers, R.M., Reimchen, T.E., Deagle, B.E., Schluter, D., Kingsley, D.M. A genome-wide genotyping array reveals patterns of global and repeated species-pair divergence in sticklebacks. Current Biology. Manuscript accepted.

4. Deagle, B.E., Jones, F.C., Chan, Y.F., Absher, D.M., Kingsley, D.M., Reimchen, T.E. 2011. Population genomics of parallel phenotypic evolution in stream-lake stickleback. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1552.

3. Greenwood, A.K., Jones, F.C., Chan, Y.F., Brady, S.D., Absher, D.M., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Myers, R.M., Kingsley, D.M., Peichel, C.L. 2011. The genetic basis of cryptic pigment patterns in juvenile threespine sticklebacks. Heredity. 107: 155-166. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2011.1. Published Online February 9, 2011.

2. Chan, Y.F., Villarreal G. Jr., Marks, M.E., Shapiro, M.D., Jones, F.C., Petrov, D.A., Dickson, M., Southwick, A.M., Absher, D.M., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Myers, R.M., Jónsson, B., Schluter, D., Bell, M.A., Kingsley D.M.  2010.  Adaptive evolution of pelvic reduction in sticklebacks by recurrent deletion of a Pitx1 enhancer, Science (Article). 327 (5963):302-5. Published Online December 10, 2009. PDFSupplementalNature news feature by ChouardScience commentary by Pennisifaculty of 1000Origins Blog@SciencePharyngula | NPR Science Friday MP3,TranscriptScopeBlog@StanfordGNXP BlogAdaptive Complexity BlogEvolução y Desenvolvimento BlogNature Journal Club Blog

1. Kitano, J., Ross, J. A., Mori, S., Kume, M., Jones, F. C., Chan, Y.F., Absher, D.M., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Myers R.M., Kingsley, D.M., Peichel, C.L. 2009.  A role for neo-sex chromosomes in stickleback speciation, Nature (Article)461 (7267):1079-83. Published Online Sep 27, 2009. PDFSupplemental Material

Honours and Awards


Walter M. Fitch Prize Finalist


AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science


Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society (Gamma Chapter)


Scott Biomedical Prize for Excellence in Biology


Hong Kong SCMP Student Linguist of the Year


Dr. Li Fook Sin Scholarship

Fellowship and Grants


Young Researcher at the Lindau Nobel Meeting (supported by the Max Planck Society and the Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung)


Postdoctoral Fellow, VolkswagenStiftung – Evolutionary Biology (160,000€)


Affymetrix Bio-X Fellow, Stanford Graduate Fellowship


CDS International Summer Internship Program

2000, 2002

Howard Hughes Summer Research Fellowship


Freeman Asian Scholar

Invited Seminars and Presentations


31. Guest instructor lecture on spatial and speciation genetics. Winterschool, Molecular Genetics for Zoology and Conservation. Brno, Czech Rep.

30. Special seminar. Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor MI, USA.

29. Special seminar. Genome Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Heidelberg, Germany.

28. Invited Speaker. International Conference on Genomics, BGI. Shenzhen, China.

27. Symposium presentation. VolkswagenStiftung Status Symposium in Evolutionary Biology. Sylt, Germany.

26. Departmental seminar series. Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, University of Münster. Münster, Germany.

25. Evolutionary Genomics Conference. Coll. Research Ctr/SFB 680 and Research Unit/FOR 1078. Chiemsee, Germany.

24. Special colloquium. Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology. Tübingen, Germany.

23. Special seminar. Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala Universitet. Uppsala, Sweden.

22. Symposium: Selective sweeps in complex demographic and genetic systems. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Meeting. Kyoto, Japan.

21. Special seminar. D-AGRL, ETH Zürich. Zürich, Switzerland.

20. Institute seminar. Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute. Oakland, CA, USA.


19. Departmental seminar series. Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala Universitet. Uppsala, Sweden.

18. Keynote Speaker. Workshop on Evolutionary Genetics, Society for Genetics. Plön, Germany.

17. Departmental Seminar. Department of Biology, University of Konstanz. Konstanz, Germany.


16. Institute seminar. Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

15. Departmental seminar.  Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, Dummerstorf, Germany

14. Institute Seminar. Faroe Marine Research Institute, Faroe Islands

13. Workshop “Evolutionary Genetics”. Society for Genetics, Wittenberg, Germany

12. Departmental Seminar. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany

11. Evolutionary Discussion Group, Department of Evolution and Ecology, Univ. of California, Davis. Davis CA, USA.


10. Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Contributed Presentations


9. European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress. Tübingen, Germany

8. EvoDevo Keystone Symposium. Lake Tahoe CA, USA


7. Workshop on Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Adaptation, Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale. Fribourg, Switzerland

6. Walter M. Fitch Prize Symposium. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Meeting. Lyon, France


5. International Society for Developmental Biology Congress. Edinburgh, UK

4. Stickleback Behaviour and Evolution Conference. Leicester, UK


3. Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science annual meeting. National Human Genome Research Institute, Los Angeles CA, USA

2. Stickleback Behavior & Evolution Conference. Anchorage AK, USA


1. Connecticut Valley Zebrafish Meeting. Amherst MA, USA

University/Professional Service


Deputy Project Leader, Mouse Research Group, MPI-Plön


Graduate Students Advisory Board, Dept. of Developmental Biology, Stanford University


International Student Advisory Board, Wesleyan University

Teaching Experience


Guest lecturer, Winterschool for molecular genetic approaches in zoology and conservation genetics. Brno, Czech Republic

Guest lecturer, Evolutionary Genetics Course, Institute for Evolutionary Biology, University of Münster


Instructor, MPI-Plön, Graduate Evolutionary Genetics Discussion Course


Teaching Assistant, Stanford University. Stickleback Molecular Genetics Course, NHGRI/CEGS


Teaching Assistant, Wesleyan University. Undergraduate Molecular Biology Course

Referee and Reviewing

  • Molecular Biology and Evolution
  • Molecular Ecology
  • US National Science Foundation/NSF
  • Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/FCT

Professional Society Membership

  • Society for Developmental Biologists/SDB
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science/AAAS
  • Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution/SMBE
  • European Society for Evolutionary Biology/ESEB

Relevant Field Experience


Mouse trapping and survey, Faroe Islands, Denmark


Stickleback sampling, phenotyping and survey, Scotland, UK


Stickleback sampling and phenotyping, British Columbia, Canada


Stickleback sampling, California

Selected Research Features/Popular Press

BBC, June 2010. “Islanders on Shetland to help with ‘Viking mice’ study”.

radioeins. May, 2010. “Von der Maus zur Monstermaus”.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 2010. “Von der Maus zum Monster”.

Baltischer Rundschau, April, 2010. “Von Riesenmäusen und sozialen Mehlkäfern—Noch immer sind viele Rätsel der Evolution ungelöst”.

S. Gilbert. Developmental Biology, 9th edition, April 2010. “Chapter 19: Developmental Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change”.

T. Chouard. Nature, February, 2010. “Revenge of the hopeful monster”.

J. Palca. NPR Science Friday, December, 2009. “Of fish and flies: the evolutionary role of genes”.

E. Pennisi. Science, December, 2009. “Spineless fish and dark flies prove gene regulation crucial”.

J. Galef. Origins/Blogs@Science, November, 2009. “Change in regulatory DNA responsible for stickleback evolution”.

PZ Myers. Pharyngula@ScienceBlogs, October, 2009. “David Kingsley—Fishing for the secrets of vertebrate evolution”.

Computer Languages

Perl, MySQL, R, C++, javascript, php, Matlab


English (fluent), French (fluent), German (fluent), Cantonese (native), Mandarin (fluent)