
16.10.2021: A collaborative work with the lab of Redouan Bshary that combines field work and modelling, “Marine cleaning mutualism defies standard logic of supply and demand”, is now accepted in The American Naturalist. 

23.08.2021: The modeling work together with Brian Hollis, “Softness of selection and mating system interact to shape trait evolution under sexual conflict”, is just published in Evolution. [Link]

10.03.2021: A joined work with Hanna Kokko, “Sexual dimorphism driven by intersexual resource competition: why is it rare, and where to look for it?” is just accepted in the Journal of Animal Ecology. [Link]

04.01.2021: Our new paper Coevolution of female fidelity and male help in populations with alternative reproductive tactics” is just published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [Link]

About Me

I am a principal investigator in the Institute of Biology of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, funded by the SNF Ambizione grant. I am interested in applying mathematical modelling and computer simulations to study problems in ecology and evolutionary biology. I am particularly enthusiastic about modelling the roles of sexual selection and sexual conflict in animal dispersal and life history evolution, and applying various mathematical tools to model microbial (e.g. bacteria-fungi) interactions. 

Keywords of my research interest: Sexual selection; Dispersal; Sexual dimorphism; Life history; Evolutionary game theory; Environmental stochasticity; Microbial interactions; Local adaptation; Climate change.