Germline editing?


„He also said that the program is not targeting the germline cells of plants and thus would not lead to heritable traits.“ Blake Bextine DARPA  Insect Allies program manger.

Washington post, Joel Achenbach, 4th October 2018

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„Some of the researchers are considering using gene-editing tools like CRISPR to change plant chromosomes, but Curtis thinks that is unlikely to work.“

Science, Kai Kupferschmidt, , 4th October 2018


“All of our teams are actually working with transient expression systems,” meaning that the introduced genetic material does not alter chromosomes or the germ line, and thus would not affect future plant generations."Blake Bextine DARPA  Insect Allies program manger.

The Scientist, Abby Olena, 4th October 2018


„…. That research doesn't involve using technology that edits plants“

E&E news , Courtney Columbus, 4th October


„The project relies on a fairly new technology called CRISPR-Cas9 that can modify a DNA sequence in plants, animals and humans, “

Ohio State scientists make plant virus system “turn onits head” with insect research (2017);


CRISPR Makes [this] Research Possible

InsectAllies:HowtheEnemiesofCornMaySomedaySave It (2017); the-enemies-of-corn-may-someday-save-it/


„“Genetic modification of plants has historically been done only to plant embryos inside of laboratories using tissue cultures,” Bextine said. “Transforming mature plants en masse would be an enormous achievement and pave the way for future breakthroughs in agriculture.”“

 DARPA Enlists Insects to Protect Agricultural Food Supply & Commodity Crops. R&D Mag. (2016); news/2016/10/darpa-enlists-insects-protect-agricul- tural-food-supply-commodity-crops.

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