Uecker H. (in press) Meeting report on the symposium 'Evolutionary Applications' at the 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Evolutionary Applications.
Dewan I. and Uecker H. (2025) Evolutionary rescue of bacterial populations by heterozygosity on multicopy plasmids. Journal of Mathematical Biology 90: 26 (doi)
Nyhoegen C., Bonhoeffer S.*, and Uecker H.* (2024)
The many dimensions of combination therapy: How to combine antibiotics to limit resistance evolution.
Evolutionary Applications 17: e13764.
*shared last authorship
Dewan I. and Uecker H. (2024) Is the distribution of plasmid lengths bimodal? Plasmid. (doi)
Geoffroy F. and Uecker H. (2023) Limits to evolutionary rescue on conjugative plasmids. Theoretical Population Biology 154:102-117. (doi)
Garoña A.*, Santer M.*, Hülter N.F., Uecker H.§, Dagan T.§ (2023)
Segregational drift hinders the evolution of antibiotic resistance on polyploid replicons.
PLoS Genetics 19:e1010829. (doi)
*equal contribution §co-corresponding authors
Dewan I. and Uecker H. (2023) A mathematician's guide to plasmids: an introduction to plasmid biology for modellers. Microbiology 169:001362. (doi)
Nyhoegen C. and Uecker H. (2023) Sequential antibiotic therapy in the laboratory and in the patient. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20:20220793. (doi)
Han K.Y., Kröger L., Buchholz F., Dewan I., Quaas M., Schulenburg H., & Reusch T.B.H. (2023) The economics of microbiodiversity. Ecological Economics 204. (doi)
Santer M., Kupczok A., Dagan T., Uecker H. (2022) Fixation dynamics of beneficial alleles in prokaryotic polyploid chromosomes and plasmids. Genetics 222(2), iyac121. (doi)
Geoffroy F., Traulsen, A., and Uecker H. (2022) Vaccination strategies when vaccines are scarce: On conflicts between reducing the burden and avoiding the evolution of escape mutants. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19: 20220045. (doi)
Traulsen A., Gokhale C. S., Shah S., and Uecker H. (2022) The Covid-19 pandemic: Basic insights from basic mathematical models. NAL-live 2022.3, v1.0. (doi)
Uecker H. and Bonhoeffer S. (2021) Antibiotic treatment protocols revisited: The challenges of a conclusive assessment by mathematical modeling. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18: 20210308 (doi, talk given at ESEB 2019)
Lagator M., Uecker H., and Neve P. (2021) Adaptation at different points along antibiotic concentration gradients. Biology Letters 17: 20200913. (doi)
Czuppon P., Blanquart F., Uecker H.*, and Débarre F.* (2021) The effect of habitat choice on evolutionary rescue in subdivided populations. The American Naturalist 197(6). (doi)
*equal contribution
Santer M. and Uecker H. (2020) Evolutionary rescue and drug resistance on multicopy plasmids. Genetics 215(3): 847-868. (doi)
Sciré J., Hozé N.*, and Uecker H.* (2019) Aggressive or moderate drug therapy for infectious diseases? Trade-offs between
different treatment goals at the individual and population levels. PLoS Computational Biology 15(8): e1007223.
*equal contribution
talk given at the 2nd Joint Congress of Evolutionary Biology)
Uecker H. (2018) Effectively evolution-proof antibiotics? Trends in Microbiology 26(12): 969-970. (doi)
Uecker H. and Bonhoeffer S. (2017) Modeling antimicrobial cycling and mixing: Differences arising from an individual-based versus a population-based perspective. Mathematical Biosciences 294: 85--91. (doi)
Tepekule B., Uecker H., Derungs I., Frenoy A., Bonhoeffer S. (2017) Modeling antibiotic treatment in hospitals: A systematic approach shows benefits of combination therapy over cycling, mixing, and mono-drug therapies. PLoS Computational Biology 13(9): e1005745. (doi)
Uecker H. (2017) Evolutionary rescue in randomly mating, selfing, and clonal population. Evolution 71: 845--858. (doi)
Uecker H. and Hermisson J. (2016) The role of recombination in evolutionary rescue. Genetics 202:1--12. (doi)
Uecker H., Setter D., and Hermisson J. (2015) Adaptive gene introgression after secondary contact. Journal of Mathematical Biology 70:1523--1580. (doi)
Uecker H., Otto S.P., and Hermisson J. (2014) Evolutionary rescue in structured populations. The American Naturalist 183:E17--E35. (doi)
Uecker H. and Hermisson J. (2011) On the fixation process of a beneficial mutation in a variable environment. Genetics 188:915--930.
(highlighted in a
commentary article by L. Wahl)
Uecker H., Kranz W.T., Aspelmeier T., and Zippelius A. (2009) Partitioning of energy in highly polydisperse granular gases. Physical Review E 80: 041303. (doi)
Kippnich J., Benz F., Uecker H.*, Baumdicker F.* (in revision)
Effectiveness of CRISPR-Cas in sensitizing bacterial populations with plasmid-encoded antimicrobial resistance.
*co-corresponding authors